Trump has an Achilles heel, and he needs to cover it

One critical aspect of the Deep State take-down of President Biden, via the Hur Report, is getting overlooked.

While many are disappointed that Biden wasn’t charged, the fact that Old Joe wouldn’t have gone to trial for years is important.  A delayed trial wouldn’t have helped to get rid of Senile Sam before the election.  Besides, I would speculate that among the first documents Joe signed when inaugurated were “Get Out of Jail Free” cards for all things Biden.  That was probably the cost of Dr. Jill (AKA Edith Wilson part duo)’s involvement.

So even if convicted, which would not be possible for a guy who can only remember where his ice cream is, Joe would walk.

The really critical issue of taking Joe out is the COVID shots.  The American people, particularly Republicans and independents, have realized that they were lied to and injured by the COVID scam.  Also, surveys have shown that up to a quarter of the population knows someone that died or was seriously injured by the COVID shots.  I wonder what percent of those so informed are the same Republicans and independents.

At a minimum, I would also bet that those potential voters are more likely to access independent media sources, which have a very different view of the COVID scam from what’s seen on the mainstream medical propaganda media.  The independent media is awash with “vaccine” injury and death reports.  Also, books like “Cause Unknown”: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 & 2022 by Ed Dowd have been extremely popular.  I doubt that die-hard “vaccinistas” are their main audience.

This brings us back to a critical element of the takedown of Old Joe.  Joe is into the worst of the COVID scam, up to his ice cream.  Trump is, too.  While Biden radically expanded the length and the severity of the COVID police state, it is undeniable that Trump started the medical Mengele ball rolling.  Neither has any plausible deniability as regards the COVID horror show we, and the world, have experienced.  They are both guilty as hell.

However, if President Biden were to become drooling Joe over in the corner, whoever his replacement is has some COVID cover.  That replacement wasn’t in charge.  Even if he was a COVID Nazi, like Governor Hair Gel, he can say he was just following orders.  Sorry — I meant following Fauci’s Government Science.  Trump can’t claim the same, as he was in charge.  He can try the feeble argument he was lied to by the medical mafia, but it is always a tough sell to say, “I am just stupid, not criminal.”

Even that line is limited, because Trump met with Bobby Kennedy for three hours before his inauguration.  Nobody could spend three hours, or three minutes, with Bobby and still believe or trust Fauci et al. 

Republicans and independents are pissed off at the way the COVID scam was forced upon them.  Everyone has a personal COVID story, all bad.  When election time comes around, a Democrat with plausible deniability — or even Bobby, with a stellar vaccine record — is going to look a lot better than Slow Joe.  As for Trump, he will need to do some deft pivoting from vaccine-pusher to repentant defender of American values, including personal autonomy. goes Joe, and so goes the election.

Image: Gage Skidmore via Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0.

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