The problem with leftists ...

I believe progressives and radical Democrats are a peculiar lot and a mixture of many personality types simultaneously.

They are aggressive, mean-spirited, have little regard for ethical restraint, are didactic, insecure, yet, comfortable in their cocoon of always being right, if they say it, it becomes so.

I believe they awake each morning disgruntled that the world is imperfect and only they have the answer how to change it into a better one. They profess to mean well and to have their fellow "man" always in mind.

Take President Johnson who had the "chutzpah" to believe he could end poverty.  After spending literally trillions of dollars, poverty remained and those he sought to help were actually worse off because expectations were raised and in the end were dashed. 

Meanwhile, after he left office, there was an entire "cadre" of "do gooder" progressives and radical Democrats ready to correct his mistakes claiming they only needed more time and, as always, more money.

After all, who is against elevating the underclass? How can one argue against such a worthwhile endeavor? All it takes, we are told, is more time, more tax dollars. Who, in their right mind, could be so heartless as to question both their motive and methods? All they ask is a free pass to solve the intractable.

Their discontent is assuaged by the fact they also have power beyond the voting booth.

The number of registered Democrats and Republicans is about the same. Democrats may have a modest numerical edge and certainly are more organized because power and control means everything. They do not believe government can function if it is small.  In order to accomplish their goals, bigness and distance are the answer.  

Where do progressives and radical Democrats obtain power beyond the voting booth and their organized spirit? I submit, they control the entire federal bureaucracy, the entire educational apparatus, large corporate boardrooms and C-suites. However, their power does not stop there because it extends to state and local governments of America's largest cities and their elected boards.  They control the entertainment and sports industry and the sports media, as well as the mainstream media, and due to Soros' munificence, the state and district attorney's of some our largest urban populations.

The ability to control education, alone, gives them generational power over America's future thought process.  What about the FBI attacking parents for being domestic terrorists because parents want to raise their children and not abdicate their responsibility to some neo-Marxist school board dictator?

Political Correctness became the sperm that eventually birthed CRT.  How can anyone be against lowering curbs so "the handicapped" have greater mobility?

When has anything government engaged in ever ended? It is as if "Topsy" controls everything to which  "we the people" are subjected.

ObamaCare was shoved down our throats. Obama knew it would exceed projected costs, would break the bonds between patients and their choice of doctors.  He sought to transform America and lied to accomplish this and other nefarious goals. 

Progressives and radical Democrats are also ruthless. They will do anything to gain control.  Their attacks on Trump, regardless of what you think about the man, are outrageous and unconstitutional. They, evidently, will stop at nothing, even if it means breaking him, his family, his real estate empire, and his opportunity to run for office. If accomplishing this perverse goal means running roughshod over our judicial system so be it because the end justifies the means.

Perhaps the greatest threat progressives and radical Democrats engage in is creating factions and thus, societal discord.

The United States of America was established by brilliant men. The Constitution and Bill of Rights they crafted was unique, beautiful and has lasted beyond any past effort by others to create a continuing republic. Because "we the people"  fell asleep and unresponsive, we allowed our society to be penetrated by "evildoers" who feel threatened by our freedoms and democratic ways and seek to destroy America.. 

Consequently, our ship of state is taking on water and is floundering in rough seas. 

I have no idea what the end story brings but I am not hopeful because the toothpaste is out of the tube. Yesterday, a poll revealed a large number of Americans cannot even name the three branches of our government. Basic civics and history are no longer taught. Why would one support and/or defend that of which they are ignorant?

Time will tell. It always does.

Image: Cullen328, via Wikimedia Commons // CC BY-SA 3.0 DEED

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