The Mummified Meat Puppet administration betrays Israel and America

There’s an old aphorism in foreign policy to the effect that there is nothing more dangerous than being an ally of America. The Mummified Meat Puppet Administration (MMPA) seems determined that no one ever forget it. Normal Americans have been appalled at the MMPA’s constant attempts to undermine Israel’s response to the greatest slaughter of Jews since the Holocaust. They must work hard to find examples, yet there are so many, at least a few of the most egregious have leaked through the media’s narrative filters.

Now, at Substack, Benjamin Weingarten has provided The Ultimate Guide to the Biden Administrations’s Betrayal of Israel.  It is the most complete, and horrifying, collection of anti-Semitism and political double-dealing available. Horrifying because Hamas and its puppet master Iran are not only enemies of Israel, but of Western Civilization.

The MMPA is staffed with Marxists and Chinese compromised internationalists, epitomized by Antony Blinken, who, immediately after October 7, dropped this jewel:

Graphic: Twitter (X) screenshot via Weingarten

The day after the attack, when Israelis were still finding and trying to identify their burned, raped and mutilated people, Blinken was already trying to keep them from harming Hamas. The MMPA has never stopped:

10/13/23: Six days after Oct. 7, State Dept. Spokesman Matthew Miller tweets that Sec. Blinken “reiterated that Hamas does not stand for the Palestinian people’s legitimate rights” – setting the stage for bolstering the PA to lead a future Palestinian state. 

10/14/23: A week after Oct. 7, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin stresses that Israel must act within rules of war and protect civilians. 

No nation in history has taken more and more intensive steps to prevent civilian casualties, but as honest reporting has revealed, there is little or no distinction between Hamas and “the Palestinian people.” Those people engaged in the slaughter, hostage taking and looting in Israel on 10-07, support Hamas by huge margins, and have helped Hamas hold hostages. While the MMPA continues to supply Israel, it also supplies Hamas:

Graphic: Twitter (X) screenshot via Weingarten

The billions nations, including America, have poured into Gaza have largely gone to building terror tunnels, buying weapons, and making Hamas’ leaders billionaires. Since 10-07, Hamas has diverted almost all American aid to itself.

10/20/23: When asked why Israel permitted aid before Hamas released all hostages, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant says, “The Americans insisted and we are not in a place where we can refuse them. We rely on them for planes and military equipment. What are we supposed to do? Tell them no?” 

And of course the MMPA cannot give up on the fabled “two-state solution.”

Graphic: Twitter (X) screenshot via Weingarten

This despite Hamas leaders constantly rejecting it because they exist to murder every Jew in the world, and conquer the world for Islam. One of the reasons Hamas was able to murder so many Israelis on 10-07 was few Israeli civilians were armed. Post 10-07 they’ve gained a new appreciation for that necessity, but the MMPA, which works tirelessly to disarm Americans, has not:

11/6/23Report suggests U.S. conditions assault rifle delivery on weapons not being distributed to Jewish militias in Judea and Samaria – under purported fear of uptick in “settler violence” that will prove a false and utterly fraudulent narrative. This is at the same time Palestinian Arabs are engaged in rampant terrorism against Jews in Judea and Samaria.

The MMPA’s intransigence has cost additional Israeli lives:

11/27/23: Caroline Glick reports that three weeks prior, the Biden admin “began demanding that Israel limit (or cancel entirely) its pre-ground battle aerial bombings. Consequently, in the week that preceded this week’s ‘humanitarian pause,’ the IDF’s battle losses were overwhelmingly the consequence of sniper fire from Hamas terrorists hiding in buildings that the air force did not destroy before the battles, due to U.S. pressure.”

And still, the MMPA is stuck on stupid:

Graphic: Twitter (X) screenshot via Weingarten

There is no limit to the MMPA’s delusions:

1/10/24: Following meeting with PA President Mahmoud Abbas – currently serving in the 20th year of a four-year term – Sec. Blinken declares Abbas “committed” to reforming the PA.

And this:

2/7/24: Sec. Blinken says “Israelis were dehumanized in the most horrific way on October 7th.  The hostages have been dehumanized every day since.  But that cannot be a license to dehumanize others.”

Of course. “Dehumanizing” barbarous terrorists bent on genocide would be bad.  It never ends:

2/14/24: WaPo reports Biden admin is “rushing to complete a detailed, comprehensive plan for long-term peace between Israel and Palestinians, including a firm timeline for the establishment of a Palestinian state,” which would include “the withdrawal of many, if not all, settler communities on the West Bank; [and] a Palestinian capital in East Jerusalem.”

The farce is strong with Joe Biden. The MMPA is determined no one ever forget there is no more dangerous, duplicitous ally than America, particularly when it is “led” by Democrats.

Mike McDaniel is a USAF veteran, classically trained musician, Japanese and European fencer, life-long athlete, firearm instructor, retired police officer and high school and college English teacher. His home blog is Stately McDaniel Manor.  

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