The left relentlessly racializes formerly race-neutral words

The English language is challenging to begin with, and it becomes even more so when people start applying new meanings to words. One such word is “thug.” Up until recently, the word had a straightforward definition, removed from race. Now, though, leftists have redefined it as a racist “dog whistle” and use it as a cudgel against Republicans.

A “thug” is defined as “a violent, lawless, or vicious person, especially one who commits a crime such as assault, robbery, or murder.” This definition harks back to the word’s Sanskrit origin, referring to criminals.

In America, the word was used as a cover-all term for bad guys. Mafia gang members were called “thugs.” Irish, Jewish, Lebanese, and Syrian gang members, German Nazis—all were called “thugs.” Neighborhood bullies of any race were often called “thugs.” In my childhood neighborhood, we had one named Joe Blackie. He was a fair-skinned, redhead, obese “thug.” People were afraid of him and his underlings.

The word “thug,” however, has been politically racialized if used for a black person who engages in “violent, lawless, or vicious” behavior. A good example occurred after the shooting during the Kansas City Super Bowl victory parade, where one person was killed and 22 injured. Two black juveniles ended up in custody.

Image: Indian thugs mutilating their innocent victims. Public domain.

Missouri Governor, Mike Parson, was present at the parade with his wife when the shooting took place. In a radio interview, he said:

You just got some absolutely, be careful what I say before I say something I’m gonna probably regret, but just a bunch of criminals, thugs out there, just killing people at an incident like that and attempting to kill all those people and created such chaos that people got hurt, being trampled.

Parson was trying to avoid any traps—trying not to defame the suspects or wade into racial waters—but he got caught anyway.

It’s true that most people, especially those old enough to remember how the word has been used for two hundred years, wouldn’t blink an eye at his description. However, the mayor of Kansas City took offense over this (until yesterday) race-free word:

Kansas City Mayor Quinton Lucas on Friday said Missouri Gov. Mike Parson used a dog whistle when he blamed “thugs” for the shooting at the Kansas City Chiefs Super Bowl victory rally.


“I certainly do think this was criminal activity, it’s lawlessness and I think that that’s troubling,” Lucas said. “But ‘thugs’ is a dog whistle in the most classic sense and I have seen this dog whistle time and again.”

The Kansas City Star was happy to elucidate:

Dog whistle — a term often used in politics — refers to a message or phrase intended to be heard only by certain groups. “Thug” has been used as coded language, typically to demonize Black people as criminals.

With all the people who have been called “thugs” down through the years, how can it now be considered a code word, a “dog whistle” denigrating only Blacks?

Mayor Lucas is both black and a Democrat. It’s (almost) inconceivable that he’s never read either books or newspapers that have referred to so many diverse races as “thugs” because they committed violent acts. This appears to be another instance where a word or action has been politically and racially—as well as purposely—altered and redefined to deflect from its true definition to smear another person of another political party. I was raised in a Democrat family, so it pains me to say this, but it appears that this is a new Democrat ploy to deflect from its own racist history. Historically, it was the slave party, the Ku Klux Klan party, and the Jim Crow laws party. No Republicans (the anti-slave party) were a part of these historical deeds.

Everyone, especially in the media, should resist racist actions such as this—that is, inserting race where none exists. Innocent parties do not deserve to be publicly smeared, and the American people don’t deserve such yellow journalism. It’s time to become vocal against Democrats turning long-accepted, race-neutral words into political weapons.

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