In 2024, Donald Trump is our last hope

We the people of these United States have been thrust into a nightmare scenario as we go through, arguably, the strangest era in our history.  When President Trump was in office, he opened the oil spigot and soon made the U.S. energy independent.  Under Trump’s leadership, in 2018, the U.S. surpassed Russia and Saudi Arabia to become the world’s largest producer of crude oil.  The move alone helped spur the economy and lower prices on just about everything we use.  Biden immediately turned off that spigot, resulting in high inflation and more dependence on foreign oil.  And that was just the beginning of Biden’s assault on the U.S., including opening our southern border to millions of illegal aliens, as he used executive orders to reverse everything Trump did to make our country greater.

The invasion of our border by scores of foreign countries is nothing short of a declaration of war!  Yet, instead of using our military to fight off the invasion, Biden lies to us about the border’s security while using our military to protect Ukraine’s border.  It’s become evident that the left is willing to use any means necessary to weaken our country.  Voters in the 2024 general election should keep in mind the question: are we better off now than we were four years ago?  No sensible person could answer that question in the affirmative.  As much as I hate to admit it, the left, with its nefarious allies in the MSM and the total corruption of the “justice system,” is winning the war with propaganda.  

I’m thankful that we have resistance from courageous stalwarts like Texas’s Governor Abbott, who defied Biden and the Supreme Court when they ordered him to take down the razor wire along the border.  I’m also encouraged that thousands of patriots have joined together in that truck convoy to help shore up the Texas border.  Yes, this could lead to a civil war because there seems to be no way to stop the Biden regime.  They’ve become nothing less than a criminal cartel, no better than organized crime gangsters!  In fact, much worse than gangsters, because they are in charge of all the agencies of justice, meaning there’s no authority above them.  If they’re all crooks, who’s capable of arresting, prosecuting, and incarcerating them?  Those Deep State criminals have built a virtually impenetrable wall around themselves.

Mobster John Gotti was called the “Teflon Don” because he was acquitted several times when racketeering charges were brought against him by the FBI.  Now we have a president who has a much better form of protective coating — the FBI has become as corrupt as he is.  Hence, no charges have been brought against him.  Meanwhile, Donald Trump, the president who came into office to expose the corruption, has been constantly attacked by the same agencies he was exposing.  We are witnessing a mendacious administration looking directly into our eyes and telling us that the border is secure, inflation is under control (after prices rose about 20%), Ukraine will win the war against Russia if we keep giving billions of (unaccounted for) dollars to the regime that has been known as the most corrupt in Europe, and Hunter Biden’s paintings are worth half a million each.  (I threw that last one in because it’s so obvious that the Biden’s have found a way to launder large sums of bribe money.)

We must realize that the leftist radicals in the Democrat party simply don’t care if we’re on to their outrageous hypocrisy.  They have the power, and they intend to use it to silence anyone with the temerity to disagree with them.  Even though it seems that we still have some free speech, if any of us were to get national coverage for our complaints, the heavy boots of censorship would leave bloody footprints on our chests.  Biden will lie while looking directly into the camera lens, figuring that people would never expect such in-your-face dishonesty coming from the highest elected official in the country.  Generally speaking, most people are not skilled liars.  It takes years of political chicanery to become masters of deceit.

It seems to me that the only hope we have to get our country back is if Donald Trump is elected in November.  Yet, given what the left has done to him so far, including phony impeachments, indictments, frivolous lawsuits, and kangaroo trials — i.e., the Jan. 6 committee, run by some of our country’s most venal elected officials — one can reasonably wonder if those malevolent power-brokers have a final solution to stop Trump if they think he’ll win the November election.

We’ll see how the Biden junta handles the Trucker Convoy.  Does he dare try to stop patriots from protecting the sovereignty of our country during an election year?  Even Biden’s marionette master, Barack Obama, would advise against that move.

Image: Gage Skidmore via Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0.

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