Constitution’s display at the National Archives destroyed by climate terrorists

Yesterday afternoon, two culprits vandalized the display at the Rotunda of the National Archives housing the U.S. Constitution, by dumping a red powder all over themselves and the exhibit. (The compact was unharmed, as the display case is basically a transparent vault.)

Here are the details, according to a report by Fox News:

One of the individuals says they are ‘determined to foment a rebellion.’

The other, wearing cargo shorts, sandals, and a backward hat, says, ‘This country’s founded on the conditions that all men are created equally, and endowed with life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.’

He adds: ‘We’re calling for all people to have these rights, not just wealthy white men.’

But don’t get confused though—these kids weren’t protesting abortion, which robs black and brown babies of their right to life at a disproportionate rate compared to white babies, and they weren’t protesting the tyranny afflicting people of all colors at the hands of the “wealthy white men” who dominate Congress, and they weren’t protesting the big government that sustains itself by cheating and thieving all Americans—these kids were demanding that Joe Biden declare a “climate emergency” and make “full use of his executive authority” to issue diktats and decrees supporting the leftist “green” agenda.

Here’s video from the scene, shared across social media:

Naturally this bothers me for myriad reasons, but to be fair to the cretins, it’s not like the document is even relevant anymore.

Real money and the apportioned taxes prescribed by the Founders? Nah, the Sixteenth Amendment was ratified in February 1913, and Woodrow Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act later that year.

The state sovereignty articulated in the Tenth Amendment? I hate to break it to you, but nearly every single one of the more than 430 federal agencies has seized tremendous authority that the federal government had no right to take, and nearly every single one of these agencies has no right to exist… per the Constitution. How many “conservative” governors are actually securing their own borders, and how many are punting the ball to the federal government and arguing they can’t do anything about the invasion because “Joe Biden” is derelict? Of course Joe’s derelict, he’s zonked out of his mind; but if state sovereignty were real, and those governors who claim to support the Constitution actually did, they’d secure their state’s borders—but they don’t.

The right to privacy “guaranteed” by the Fourth Amendment? What would Edward Snowden say about this? How about the unmasking of Donald Trump’s associates while he ran for president in 2016? How do FISA courts even exist? And, take a look at this, from Congressman Thomas Massie on Tuesday:

The state-over-federal design that allows for the nullification of unconstitutional actions/laws of the federal? Nope, even the National Archives, the very custodian of the Constitution itself, wrongly asserts this:

Screenshot from National Archives website.

But, they leave out the most important part: 

This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.

Only laws made in pursuance of… the Constitution are supreme; it wasn’t supposed to be a federal-always-trumps-state model, but now it is.

The First Amendment? Safe spaces? Hate speech? Misgendering? Are conservatives actually permitted to peaceably assemble and demand change? Or will they be hunted down and jailed when they engage in such activities, even when they break zero laws?

(And don’t even get me started on the Second Amendment, we’d be here straight into next year.)

The stunt at the Rotunda is simply an illustration of what the left thinks of our America, her foundation, and her citizenry—they hate it all.

Image: Free image, Pixabay license, no attribution required.

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