Can the chain to the past be broken?

Benjamin Netanyahu has stipulated that until Israel defeats Hamas' organized leadership, militarized battalions, and a host of terrorists, and then occupies Gaza for a period of time to insure Israel's long-term safety and retrieves all the hostages whether living or dead, the war will continue.

These are tough conditions which challenge Hamas because they imply their defeat. Israel, on the other hand, refuses to bow to Hamas desires, which also connotes a defeat. 

Biden has gone out of his way to hang tough in regard to backing Israel but the upcoming election places additional political strains on Biden, whose poor ratings are a mixture of his own failures and assumed Biden voters who do not support his backing of Israel.

When and if Iran goes nuclear, and should Biden be re-elected, the window of his support really reaches a very tenuous level.  Meanwhile, Israel has no option but to go it alone.

Former secretary of State Mike Pompeo summed it up in a few choice words: " America may not be at war with Iran but Iran is at war with America."  

Because Biden either was manipulated by Obama or chose, of his own volition, to believe appeasement would work, this has brought us to where we are and Biden has only himself to blame for his pronounced recalcitrance. He broadcast that he does not want to go to war with Iran and his message is taken by the ayatollahs as a sign of weakness which Iran chooses to exploit. 

Truman and Reagan knew how to play poker. Obviously, Biden thought he could expose his hand and avoid paying a price.

Consequently, when the Hamas War ends, Israel's temporary occupation of Gaza for the purpose of insuring their ultimate goal of no more 10/7 attacks, will become a serious sticking point. 

How can Israel cleanse Palestinian minds of hatred and their demoniac goal of Israel's annihilation?  How can Israel alter Palestinian behavior of rewarding martyrs for wanton killings?  How can Israel introduce education whereby Palestinian children come to "love their neighbor" and seek "war no more?"

Frankly, how can an America, which itself is marching in the wrong direction towards socialism and a police state become an acceptable model for Palestinians after our support of Israel even though Israel is currently the lone democracy in the Middle East? 

Finally, how long, if ever, will it take for the tribal mentality of the Arab/Muslim world of Islam and the Muslim Brotherhood's embrace of terrorism to end and, most particularly, the Palestinians to renounce their own corrupt leadership, leadership that has caused them untold misery and kept them chained to their tragic past?

Even for Biden, this is one big scoop of ice cream.

Image: Library of Congress

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