Both major parties have squandered the right to govern

Yesterday’s public statement by the Special Counsel for Joe Biden’s abuse of power in sharing and personally hoarding federally classified information/property, says it all. Not only does it underline the appalling double standard of a Democrat administration and ruling party in dealing with its Republican “enemies” but it also highlights the substantial differences in the quality and quantity of Biden’s persecution and that of Donald Trump’s.

Most unfortunately, the GOP is, once again, missing the point and are headed, with an obtuseness almost impossible to forgive at this very late date, in the wrong direction.

While the Democrats’ “position” now is that Biden should be effectively shielded from prosecution due to age and memory issues—as just used by the Special Counsel to excuse Biden from ANY prosecution—critical requirements of law and justice are being entirely scuttled off to an extraneous and clearly, specifically irrelevant issue of “age.” What happened to this: How old was Biden when he started keeping classified documents for himself, for his own uses (and we know a good deal about that), and how old was he when he kept doing it, e.g., between administrations and into the current one?

Again—a kindergartener would understand the real moral issues here—was Biden “this old” when he began squirreling away classified documents during his vice presidency? Why does any presidential defense as to storing classified documents in personal locations work for Biden, on any timeline, when Trump’s home was raided, and he is still under violent persecution—ignoring the legal prerogatives of past U.S. presidents—after leaving office, from these charges? Trump is protected as having been president, a defense Biden has never had; Trump had his in one of the most secure locations in the world, his private residence at Mar-a-Lago, while Biden had his plopped in the seat of an open-top car in an unsecured garage. 

The real “crisis” here is clear, and it isn’t age. The stupid/wicked MSM has taken the Special Counsel’s workaround for Biden and turned it into a circus: the clown is Biden, aging and babbling, but the fools are the short-sighted Republican politicians who are only too happy to push Biden out and at-least-as-bad Kamala in, leaving their so-called hero Trump in the same awful mess he has been fixed in for years now.

Today’s scandal is not about an old man: Didn’t we all already know that? The scandal is that the Democrat party reserves its cold, calculated “compassion” for its own ranks, while filling the vacuum in with a wild, indiscriminate, and terribly foolish prosecution of Trump, and anyone who happens to want to vote for him.

Speaker Mike Johnson is among the very few in his party that are getting this right:

What is wrong with our Republican politicians? Can they not discern between making progress in justice or chasing it down yet another choreographed rabbit hole? It’s simple: face off with the Democrats, for once. Stop voting with them. Stop squandering our tax money on them. Stop playing war-footsie with them. They are dangerous and without scruple. Hold that party and their leader accountable to the last penny, in everything. Now. And, for heaven’s sake, stop obeying the MSM by accommodating its pathetic, vigilante communications agenda in your main talking points.

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