Will the sun set on the American flag?

A devastating communal mental health disease that can’t be stopped with a mask or vaccine continues to inflict too many Americans: “leftitis.”  It started with the alphabet movement (LGBT+++).  Just when Americans thought the disease couldn’t get much worse, there are new reports that show that the illness is spreading:

  • Progressive parents are raising “theybies.”  Children are being brought up without gender designation.  This way, if the BOY decides that HE wants to be a SHE or the GIRL decides that SHE wants to be a HE, the process will have already started.

  • Progressive parents are giving their children gender-neutral names such as Jamie, Casey, Tyler, Riley, Kyle, Sidney. This way, the child won’t have to change HIS or HER name when HE or SHE changes HIS or HER sex.

  • Maybe the baby will be abrosexual, where his or her sexual orientation can frequently change, sort of like the weather.

  • No more laughing at tree-huggers. Those who love nature with the same feelings that a human would have for another human are called “ecosexual.” The website “Here Come the Ecosexuals” defines ecosexuality, in part, as “a person that finds nature romantic, sensual and sexy.”

If we continue down this path, there will no longer be a United States of America based on sacred Judeo-Christian values.  All our founding fathers and other leaders who led our movement to freedom in the Revolutionary War were people of strong Christian faith.  The many nameless colonialists who fought for our nation’s freedom were also deeply religious.

Empires come and go. Pundits and historians share that the average lifespan of an empire is 250 years.  America celebrated her 247th birthday in July.  However, empires do not disappear in a day.

If you were in Great Britain in 1923 and started espousing that the sun will set on the British flag in a matter of decades, many would have described you as ignorant.  It would have been a preposterous idea in 1923 that glorious Great Britain with all her colonies throughout the globe would not continue as the world’s leader.

Today, Great Britain is a second-rate nation whose past historic glory brings smiles to many royal-watchers but doesn’t mean much elsewhere.  The country has a growing Muslim population that overall doesn’t seek to become British.  Instead, these people want the British to become Muslim.

The Roman Empire, just like the British and other ancient empires (Greek, Ottoman, etc.), didn’t fall apart in one month or one year.  From Rosie Lesso, “When Was the Fall of Ancient Rome?”:

Although the dastardly Odoacer is credited with bringing about Rome’s downfall, in reality, the history is far more complex and nuanced. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither was it destroyed by a single incident or individual. In fact, many argue the downfall of the Roman Empire had been gradually happening for hundreds of years, and Odoacer’s move was simply the straw that broke the camel’s back. In as early as the third century, the Roman Empire had become too large to manage as a single state, so something had to be done. Emperor Diocletian divided Rome into Eastern and Western Empires in 285 AD. Each side had their own political and ideological belief systems that were wildly divergent from one another. Over time, the Western Empire weakened, while the Eastern side grew stronger. So, some might say this schism in the third century is when the true downfall of Rome, the city, began.

Keep this in mind when you see someone hugging a tree, or refusing to tell you his child’s sex because the child hasn’t yet decided what sex he wants to be.  Remember this when someone who obviously looks and sounds male or female insists that he or she is the other sex.  Or perhaps it’s someone whose gender changes each time you meet him.

While the United States of America and many other westernized nations follow the yellow brick road to mental health absurdity, ask yourself if nations seeking to do us harm are allowing this same farce.

- Are there theybies in China?

- Are Russian children being given gender-neutral names?

- Are North Koreans regularly changing their sexual orientation?

- Are people hugging trees in Iran?

November 2024 is our final opportunity to stop this insanity and save the United States of America.

Robin M. Itzler is a regular contributor to American Thinker.  She can be reached at PatriotNeighbors@yahoo.com.

Image: Pashi via Pixabay, Pixabay License.

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