Why Trump keeps coming back

With Iowa in the rearview mirror, the “Trump Boomerang” hit the MAGA haters in the Democrat party and their pathetic mass media friends, who belch bile on MSNBC, on the backs of their heads. 

How could this happen?  From my perspective, it was totally predictable.  Why?  Because the more Trump was pilloried, the more he benefited, because most Americans resent bullying and “piling on” and recoil when they are exposed to this type of behavior.

From the time Donald and Melania came down the escalator, the likes of Hillary and her slick lawyers did everything in their power to spy on his administration and to accuse Trump personnel of a variety of outlandish abuses.  Hillary even went to extreme lengths to concoct a false dossier alleging that Trump was in bed with Putin and would destroy our nation.  There have never been comparable efforts to destroy a presidential opponent.

Were it not for our two-tier system of justice, Hillary would be in jail for her defiance of a judge’s orders not to destroy evidence, for the smashing of her cell phone, etc.  The woman has a history of underhanded activities.  “Win at any cost” has always been her goal and motivation.

As for the Democrat MAGA haters, they have applauded a series of unconstitutional efforts on the part of rabid state and local district attorneys in pursuit of the former president.  They have sought to deprive a candidate for federal office of his various freedoms, by harassment and lawsuits in conflict with campaign scheduling.  The attacks on Trump are contrived vendettas because he bested their Queen Bee, gave the deplorables a voice, and threatened the efforts of neo-Marxists who wish to destroy American culture because of their outlandish contempt of our republic.

To make matters more dangerous, we have a president who accuses his opponent of everything he is actually guilty of as if he were a disciple of Goebbels.  Age is not Biden’s problem; rather, the problem is his mean-spirited incompetence...and I have yet to mention his chronic, pathological lying and alleged corruption.  There has never been a president, in my memory, who has apparently marketed his office for so much “gelt.”  Neither have I ever experienced a president who has spent 40% of his time on vacation, hidden from the people and, more recently, did not even know where his secretary of defense was for three days.

Biden also violated his oath of office, early on, because he has failed to protect our nation from adversaries foreign and domestic.  For his open border failures, he should have already been impeached.  Nor have I mentioned his  Chamberlain-like foreign and domestic conduct, his pusillanimous withdrawal from Afghanistan, and his lack of a meaningful response to attacks on our military. 

We have allowed far too many Trojan horses to inflict serious damage to our nation.  We have no one to blame but ourselves.  I fear that the foundation of WW3 has been laid.

Image via Raw Pixel.

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