UNRWA teachers gleefully celebrate the rape and slaughter of Israelis

To no one’s surprise, on a 3,000-strong UNRWA teacher’s chat group in Gaza, when news of the October 7 Hamas massacre broke, the group’s members celebrated wildly upon hearing about the rape, torture, and murder of Israelis. This is a reminder that a significant factor in the continuing terrorism directed at Israel and the pathology of the Gazastinians and West Bankians is paid for and supported by the UN—which means that America is funding it because we pay 22% of the regular budget and 25% of the peacekeeping budget.

I’ve written before about the utter toxicity that is UNRWA (aka the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East), so I’ll keep this brief. UNRWA’s only responsibility for 75 years has been to support so-called Palestinian refugees. No other group in the history of the world that experienced a period as refugees has ever had this kind of bureaucratic resource.

For the UNRWA employees, the gig is a sinecure. They receive endless money, something that will dry up if the people in Gaza and the West Bank accept their reality, whether in Gaza and the West Bank or in Jordan (which was always intended as the Arab part of the Holy Land), Egypt, or any other Arab-Muslim majority country. The only way for UNRWA to retain the cash flow is for it to perpetuate its insistence that the Gazastinians and West Bankians have a right to all the land that is currently Israel, thereby continuing their legal status as “refugees.”

Its continued survival means that UNWRA’s entire purpose is to perpetuate hatred and violence. Peace between Israel and the Arabs is anathema to the organization.

Given the 75 years of non-stop genocidal madness that UNRWA has pumped into Gaza and the West Bank, it shouldn’t surprise anyone to learn what was revealed in a Telegram chat channel of 3,000 UNRWA-funded teachers, the people responsible for inculcating values into young minds in the region:

Telegram group of 3,000 UNRWA teachers in Gaza is replete with posts celebrating the Hamas massacre of October 7th minutes after it began, praising the murderers and rapists as “heroes,” glorifying the “education” the terrorists received, gleefully sharing photos of dead or captured Israelis and urging the execution of hostages.

“This is the motherlode of UNRWA teachers’ incitement to Jihadi terrorism,” said Hillel Neuer, executive director of UN Watch, the Geneva-based non-governmental organization that monitors the world body.


In addition, UNRWA teachers regularly share videos, photos and messages inciting to Jihadi terrorism, and openly celebrating the Hamas massacre and rape of civilians.

You can get details here.

The UN is a loathsome institution, being both anti-American and antisemitic. The U.S. should have pulled out decades ago. But even within the parameters of UN awfulness, UNRWA is especially vile.

Funnily enough, though, the Biden administration has nothing to say on the subject, making it just as vile. That’s ironic, really, when you consider how the Biden administration insists that Trump, the most pro-Israel president ever and a man who was bringing true peace to the Middle East, is the antisemitic Nazi in American politics.  

Image by Andrea Widburg

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