Schadenfreude: Disruptive pro-Hamas protestor tries that in a small town

Pro-Hamas protestors are all over the place, disrupting highways, climbing the White House fence, spraying graffiti, ripping down posters of Hamas-held hostages, and generally doing all they can to discredit their cause as if October 7's orgy of rape, torture and murder were not enough. Some of them seem to have been paid handsomely for their efforts and in return, they sing for their supper.

One of them tried that in a small town in Texas, and well, what happened happened:

The occasion was a town hall meeting featuring the town's officials and the state's elected governor, Greg Abbott, which is the kind of civil society interaction that democracy activists, Norman Rockwell, and Alexis de Tocqueville in the past have raved about and promoted.

The pro-Hamas protestor screamed manically to shout down a whole room full of participants in this democratic exercise, as if to censor them, bellowing like an animal at the top of his lungs. Obviously, nothing democratic was going to go on with that kind of crap going on. But Hamas is only the most tenuous of democratic organizations, using democracy to win elections and governing as terrorists afterward.

Then the townspeople, wearing their cowboy hats, moved as a group to oust the screamer, grabbing him by the collar and throttling his flailing limbs before kindly tossing him out. The screamer bellowed they shouldn't "punch me" but the video shows that no one was punching him, they were just removing him from the premises to end his cacaphonous takeover of the town hall meeting.

Then Gov. Abbott, in that hearty Texas manner he has, shut the clamor down by saying "All right, how we doin'?" 

And that, too, is an American tradition, same as running disruptors of the peace out of town on a rail.

The video is from About Face: Veterans Against War, a leftist pacifist group, and they posted their video like it was something bad.

That doesn't seem to be the response as the video went viral and Twitter denizens enjoyed the schadenfreude of seeing some maniac who was undoubtedly convinced he could get away with this type of behavior as such protestors do in blue cities, try that in a small town.

In doing what they did to restore the peaceful exercise of representative democracy, the small town of Lucas, Texas, showed us all how it's done.

Image: Twitter screen shot


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