Rule by majority? Or freedom of the minority?

As O’Reilly points out, most journalists are left-wing.  So we get nothing but highly biased news (basically propaganda and gossip).  If it upsets you, why watch it?  You already know their lies.

Ninety percent of the economists at the Federal Reserve are Keynesian (basically, big-government control), not Austrian School (private market–oriented).  So we end up with Monetary Policy based on Modern Monetary Theory (MMT).  What a disaster that has been.

What percent of teachers are left-wing?  It’s much higher.  So we get the 1619 Project, transgenderism, and Global Disaster in 12 years.  Another terrible misstep affecting generations of young people.  The left’s only solution is more government.

Question the premise of their big-government arguments.  Instead of accepting the underlying assumptions and prejudices, go into the underlying misdirection of their thought process.  For instance, global climate change has always happened for billions of years.  How can mankind be accused of creating something that started 3.9 billion years before we emerged?

Eventually, people will see two things: the ever-bigger-government, or institutional, mindset results in tremendous damage, and, rather than solving anything, government-based solutions actually make the problem worse.

A lot of Democrats are leaving because the Democrat party has been taken over by a particularly nasty form of Marxism.  How did central control work out for Russia?  These blue-dog or moderate Democrats are looking for answers.

The same thing is happening in the Republican party.  The extremes in each party are alienating the middle-roads, the vast majority of citizens.  The core concepts of our Constitutional Republic are sound, principled, and eternal.  But the leaders of the so-called republic don’t have a clue.  Neither do their leading candidates.

Republicans’ leadership is fractured and delusional.  The Reagan-era big-tent theory is gone, as is any semblance of statesmanship.  Republicans fight among themselves, not against the real disaster of the far left destroying our country from within.  The MAGA guys dislike the RINOs.  I can’t print what the NeverTrump guys say.  Everyone fights.  It would be a comedy if the stakes weren’t so high.

The percent of independents is higher than either Republicans or Democrats.  And growing.  The leader that appeals to independents will prevail and win elections and will set the direction of our government.  Neither the extreme Dems nor Repubs appeal to independent-minded voters. 

It’s obvious that the independent voter will decide elections and that neither the hardcore Ds nor the Rs can attract the middle-roaders.  The real question to ponder: Which party can best serve the will of the majority, and more importantly, the minority?

We have been mislead by the term “democracy.”  Granted, there are elements of democracy in our elections.  To say we are a Democracy is false.  Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding who is for dinner.  Democracy is the tyranny of the majority over the minority.

The point is that only those candidates who support the Constitution and Declaration understand the concept of protecting the minority.  The ultimate minority is not an underprivileged group, as the Dem party likes to say.

The ultimate minority is the individual.  And the ultimate protection for the individual is our Constitutional Republic as formed through the Declaration and Constitution.

This concept, of the sanctity of the individual, was the founding principle of the Republican party in the mid-1800s.  It led to Lincoln’s presidency.  But like the Democrats, extreme Republicans have lost their way.  And the one principle that could protect our freedom, a Constitutional Republic, is distracted with infighting and in disarray.

Twenty twenty-four brings elections to decide who will affect every citizen through the power of government.  If we want more federal control, then choose either extreme of either party.

If we are sick and tired of the waste, control, and absurdity, then look to a new algorithm: change your party from within.  Demand adherence to the concepts embodied in our Constitution.  If your party won’t change, then seek individual candidates who will do so.

It took us at least 100 years to get into this mess.  (Thank you, Democrat President Wilson.)  It will take a few years to get us back to our founding.  The time to start is now.  We still have a lot of people to enlighten, so they can freely choose their way.

Jay Davidson is founder and CEO of a commercial bank.  He is a student of the Austrian School of Economics and a dedicated capitalist.  He believes there is a direct connection joining individual right and responsibility, our Constitution, capitalism, and the intent of our Creator.

Image: JSMed via Pixabay, Pixabay License.

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