Is Joe being lied to?

There seems to be only one reason Joe Biden isn’t making better decisions: He is being lied to by his staff, other Democrats, and his advisors.

For example, anyone watching the news can see that the border is wide open, yet Biden & Co. keep saying either that the border is closed or that it’s “under control.”

Fact is, the border is wide open and not under control. Millions of people have come across our borders lately, yet Joe doesn’t seem to know that. If he does know it, he condones it, believing he is importing Democrat votes. That is malevolent.

There can be no other reason for the rampant tax increases than Joe’s policies, yet he blames “the rich.”

Or climate change. Has no one told him that his disastrous closing of the Keystone XL pipeline started this cascade of chaotic economic dominoes? Why is he blaming Republicans when they are not the ones responsible?

There is no reason for Joe to continue to tout “Bidenomics” unless he is being lied to.

These are policies that are devastating the middle class and hurting everyone else. But Joe seems too confident that Bidenomics is working. How do you believe such a monumental lie unless you are relying on aides and The View, all of whom are lying to you? He cites figures given to him that indicate his policies are working, yet average Americans know it is not only not working, it’s killing chances of workers retiring as planned, getting medical treatment, becoming prosperous, taking leisure time off, and putting good food on the table. It’s working, all right. It’s working taking everyone down except those immune to the economic pressures – his private jet buddies in the WEF, the Democrat party, and the like.

Was Joe lied to when he cut and ran from Afghanistan, leaving innocent people and billions of dollars in sensitive military equipment there? Who does that? Who told him that was a great idea? And why did he listen?

Was Joe lied to when someone told him that Iran is our friend and won’t use a nuke to destroy “The Great Satan” (America)  or the “Little Satan” (Israel)? Trump had Iran wrapped up just right until Biden came along and reversed the sensible policy of viewing Iran as our enemy. Joe seems to think they are friends who won’t stab us multiple times in the heart and liver given a chance.

Was Joe lied to that millions of Americans are sympathetic to a musical gay Christmas in the White House halls and half-nude transexuals on the White House lawn? Did someone tell him that the majority of Americans accept such grossly inappropriate and de classe behavior?

Is Joe being lied to when sycophants tell him that the Green Agenda is based on legitimate data that the Earth is somehow in crisis, which it isn’t, and that Americans really slaver after electric vehicles, which they don’t?

Or is Joe just such a good prevaricator that he knows that what he is being told isn’t true and lies about it anyway? 

Or is he stupid? Ignorant? Ill-informed? Intransigent? Many decades ago, Joe was known on Capitol Hill as being ineffectual, not very bright, and corrupt. That hasn’t changed, so now he gets to be effective at bringing down the greatest country on planet Earth.

How do you explain to decent people (and to Joe) that the bitter medicine Americans have been ingesting these past three years is really a deliberate and painful poisoning of the American bloodstream by the people who are really running the Biden administration? Who are these people?

We are pretty certain that the influence of Barack Obama and his acolytes is powerful in today’s White House, so who-all is lying to Joe? All of them?

Or is this what Lunchbucket Scranton Joe is really like?

Image: Gage Skidmore, via Flickr (cropped) // CC BY-SA 2.0

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