DeSantis was my candidate but he proved not the best campaigner

Because DeSantis deployed with the Navy SEALs as a legal advisor, he is tough, he is bright, he is a common-sense conservative and he is a patriot.

After God and family, he puts America first. He also is young,and  has been, and will return to being, an amazing governor of Florida.

He dropped out of the presidential race because he was wise to know when he could not win.

Consequently, President Trump is back to calling him 'DeSantis' and not "DeSanctimonious." 

Why?  Because Trump knows he must unify the GOP and the nation, rid us of the dangerous insanity Obama caused and the disaster Biden is and will continue to be as matters worsen.

In order for Trump to govern effectively, he must win large pluralities in both Houses and he and the GOP, if they too are smart, must come together as the "Happy Party."

I picked up early that hateful Democrats and anti-Trumpers were out of touch with reality and wrote frequently that Americans do not cotton to bullies. Their insane, mean-spirited efforts, to bring lawsuit after lawsuit against President Trump was going to boomerang because they were overboard, unfair and eventually became despicable. Their un-Constitutional efforts will plateau.  

Tomorrow night, against all rational odds and predictions, Trump should win in New Hampshire even though Democrats and Trump-haters are allowed to switch their votes to Republicans. Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley's continuance as a lone opponent, could upset the applecart even further, but in her own state of South Carolina she should get a "whooping" if polls are correct, as I believe they are.

Deplorables, along with middle roaders, who love this country, have every right to be concerned our republic is going downhill fast.  Maybe irretrievably so and, like the two Navy SEALs Biden just sent to their deaths, on a virtually impossible mission, so time is ebbing quickly.

I believe most Trump-haters will not change. Certainly, D.C. elitists will not, because retaining power is all they care about and, if you do not accept this comment, I urge you read both Mark Levin and Sen. Ted Cruz's latest books.

Not only does the radical wing of the Democrat party hate America, but another radical fringe of "wokesters" are cultural Marxists and feel and act likewise are ascendant.

I spent a lifetime as an investment person and began writing my dire thoughts in 1960. Consequently, it was crucial I become more right than wrong when it came to stock selection and trying to project the impact of coming events on portfolios. 

Lamentably, much of what I feared has come to pass, i.e.. crushing federal debt, deflating inflation, unions outliving their initial purpose, corporate capitalism corruption, politicians becoming permanently embedded in office while losing sight of their sworn obligations, The Great Society flopping because Democrats cared not to listen to Sen. Patrick Moynihan, black voters destroying their family structure as recipients of  government "dole"  and retrogressive legislation.

Even Dr. Benjamin Spock's ideas on child-rearing were nonsense and the list of my concerns became higher and higher at the time. If you wanted to predict Wall Street, you first had to visit D.C.

I believe President Wilson and FDR's flirtation with socialism laid the keel of our sinking ship. President Obama's warning us he wanted to transform America was part of this trend. In Obama's case, we would not listen because of misplaced white guilt, so the ship of state took on more water.

Now Muslims/Islamists, here and abroad, are procreating at overwhelming numbers. "Fertility rates" are a far more accurate predictor than economics.

To sustain a culture, the rate must not drop below 2.11. In the U.S., with an exception for Hispanic growth, America is below this rate.

Time will tell, it always does.  Tonight should be revealing.

Image: U.S. Secretary of Defense // CC BY 2.0 DEED

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