College and politics: the smart thing to do is shut up

The smartest thing to do is probably nothing. Colleges would be wisest to simply shut up about political issues. Focus on education, let individual professors stick their secondary sexual characteristics into the defamation and reputation meat grinder. If the temptation is irresistible, opine on the side of civilization and good rather than evil, but as the old saying goes: “no good deed goes unpunished,” particularly when the Mummified Meat Puppet Administration (MMPA) is in charge:

The Biden administration’s Department of Education opened an investigation into San Diego State University after an administrator sent an email condemning Hamas and offering support after the Oct. 7 terrorist attack, according to a school official.

A spokesperson for San Diego State University told Campus Reform it received a notice from the Department of Education on Tuesday about a complaint that the school “discriminated against Islamic, Arab and/or Palestinian students by sending an all-campus email on Oct. 9.”

The Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights opened a shared ancestry investigation into the university on Tuesday, government records show.

The complaint, according to the SDSU official, alleges that the email “promoted hate and racism against Arabs and Muslims.”

Oh no!  And what was the content of that hateful, racist email?

Dear SDSU community, 

Throughout this weekend and today, SDSU has been in direct communication with dozens of impacted community members after the horrific reports of killings and kidnappings following the Hamas attacks on Israel during Shemini Atzeret/Simchat Torah, a major Jewish holy day. What is being reported is heartbreaking. We have heard from SDSU community members who have family, close friends and colleagues in the region. Many have spent several terrifying days praying for their safety. Some have not had those prayers answered. We cannot express to you the depths of emotion and anguish we have felt and encountered since Saturday. 

We are grieving for all those who are suffering in the wake of this outburst of violence. We condemn, in the strongest possible terms, any act of violence, especially those against innocent civilians. We are deeply struck by the sheer scale of the loss of life – of innocent Israelis, Palestinians, and countless others. 

The email goes on to list things the SDSU community can do to get counseling and speak and live in peace. There isn’t a hint of anything a sane, non-eternally-aggrieved person would think hateful or racist.

The university spokesperson said, “The email, which you can read in full online, does not promote hate or racism.”

No kidding.

”Since October 7, SDSU has been actively in communication with our many San Diego and campus partners given the significance of the community impact of the ongoing war,” added the spokesperson. “University safety professionals have been in contact and offered support and resources to those impacted, including members of our Islamic, Arab and Palestinian communities.”

Image: Two Women In Palestinian Protest: Wikimedia CCASA2.0generic

For sane people, the headline is “Islamist slaughter of Jews Sparks Antisemitism.” For the Mummified Meat Puppet Administration’s (MMPA) Department of Education (DOE), it’s “Anti-Muslim Extremism Is Everywhere!”

A November Department of Education press release states that its Office for Civil Rights would be opening investigations in response to “the alarming nationwide rise in reports of antisemitism, anti-Muslim, anti-Arab, and other forms of discrimination and harassment on college campuses and in K-12 schools since the October 7 Israel-Hamas conflict.”

”Hate has no place in our schools, period. When students are targeted because they are — or are perceived to be — Jewish, Muslim, Arab, Sikh, or any other ethnicity or shared ancestry, schools must act to ensure safe and inclusive educational environments where everyone is free to learn,” said U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona. “These investigations underscore how seriously the Biden-Harris Administration, including the U.S. Department of Education, takes our responsibility to protect students from hatred and discrimination.” 

The demand for hate crimes and anti-Muslim sentiment among the Self-Imaged Elite (SIE) is always enormous and growing, but the supply is virtually non-existent. It’s not Normal Americans and Jews clogging the streets of blue cities, impeding traffic, attacking Christmas gatherings and flooding college campuses with “protestors” screaming for the blood of Jews. It’s masked “pro-Palestinian activists,” people who deny the slaughter of October 7 occurred. It’s a matter of faith among the SIE that Muslims and Arabs are enduring horrific oppression in America, but when pressed to provide verified examples, few, if any, are forthcoming.

Were I a DOE investigator, I would have spent a few minutes reading the email and immediately marked the case “closed/unfounded,” rather than virtue signaling and contributing to further dividing Americans. I suspect that’s why I’d never be hired as a DOE investigator.

Mike McDaniel is a USAF veteran, classically trained musician, Japanese and European fencer, life-long athlete, firearm instructor, retired police officer and high school and college English teacher. His home blog is Stately McDaniel Manor.

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