Can Trump paint blue states red?

According to the numbers, it is looking good for President Trump in a rematch with President Biden. Can it look better? Can he expand the map and turn a few blue states red? The Trump campaign thinks so. Let's read:

Former President Donald Trump told Breitbart News exclusively that assuming he wins the GOP nomination for president again he will work to expand the universe of battleground states and aggressively compete against whoever Democrats nominate in states like New York, New Jersey, Virginia, Minnesota, and New Mexico.

Trump said he thinks he can compete in a number of states that Republicans have not won in many years in presidential elections. He said he plans to do rallies in these states, and work to try to win them -- but maybe not as hard as the traditional battleground states like Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Nevada, Arizona, and Georgia. Trump even threw out a possible idea of renting out the iconic Madison Square Garden to hold a rally in the heart of Manhattan in New York City.

At the moment, such an aggressive move to play in these states makes sense. It also emphasizes the need for a VP candidate who enhances the Trump campaign in those states. For example, a Dr. Ben Carson whose moderate tone might help him with women and Black voters. Or a Mike Pompeo -- a serious man with strong foreign policy credentials at a time when the world is crazy. Adding a woman candidate is the conventional wisdom but my guess is that voters are beyond that stuff. In other words, they want a qualified person who could be sworn in as president if necessary.

We will see but the strategy to expand the map makes sense.

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Image: Ninjatacoshell 

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