As a Catholic, I have some questions for the pope ...

Pope Francis says many things that, in my opinion, just regurgitate leftist talking points, so I have many questions for this supposedly religious man who is supposed to look out for the best interest of the people, especially the poor.

The pope frequently denounces capitalism as some kind of enemy of the poor, but capitalism is the best system to lift poor people up through opportunity instead of making them dependent on the government, so I would ask him:
Isn't it better to give people economic opportunities than to have them depend on a master, a powerful government, for their needs and wants?

The pope denounces border walls, or severe restrictions on those who illegally enter a country, so he should be asked: Why does the Vatican City have walls? Why don't they just let everyone in?

He also is a frequent regurgitator of how capitalism, humans, and our use of natural resources are destroying the Earth which brings up many more questions:

Does he believe that God blessed the Earth with many natural resources and natural elements in the atmosphere?

Does he believe that God created our only heat source, the Sun? Does he believe humans can control the distance the Earth is from the sun or the temperature on the Sun?

Does he believe that humans were blessed with a brain that allowed them to figure out how to greatly improve our quality and length of life by utilizing the natural resources the Earth has been blessed with?

Why doesn't he want poor people in underdeveloped countries to enjoy the great benefits of our natural resources? Why doesn't he care that they die so much younger than those of us who have benefitted?

Did God create the system where humans breathe out CO2 that allows plants to thrive and where plants emit oxygen which allows humans to live?

Does the Pope think that the atmosphere can't handle CO2, a clear innocuous, non-pollutant gas at 420 parts per million, a very minor component of the vast atmosphere?

Does he believe that CO2, which allows the poor to be fed, should be buried?

Does he think that politicians and bureaucrats can override all the natural variables in the atmosphere and control temperatures, sea levels, and storm activity forever if we just keep several natural resources in the ground? 

The pope should be asked how he determined what the right temperature to be since the Earth has gone through many warming and cooling periods. 

Finally, the pope should be asked for his scientific data that shows that humans, CO2, gas, cars, cows, and other things cause global warming since there is none. 

The pope should work on helping poor people instead of working so hard to destroy countries that have greatly helped their people prosper and thrive with freedom from powerful governments and with the great benefits of using coal, oil, and natural gas. 

Image: Estonian Foreign Ministry, via Wikimedia Commons // CC BY 2.0 DEED

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