After Gay, media trots out ‘experts’ to dismantle meritocracy

Poor victim Claudine Gay allegedly plagiarized a significant portion of her papers and couldn’t intelligently answer a simple question on genocide, so she had to resign as president of Harvard and go back to her million-dollar-a-year job teaching a course or two. Wouldn’t we all love to be victims?

But of course she didn’t resign because of any of her failures; she was pushed out by racists! Here, a “DEI expert” is trotted out to explain that Gay wasn’t only fired because of racism, but because people aren’t enamored by Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion or the everyone-but-white-straight-males agenda:

Harvard’s Claudine Gay cited ‘racial animus’ in her resignation letter. But experts see a bigger attack on DEI.

She was targeted partially due to her race, but as part of the larger, extremist, right-wing push to reverse social progress under this banner of anti-wokeness,’ Lily Zheng, a DEI strategist and best-selling author of DEI Deconstructed, told Yahoo News.

If the public could just understand that hiring criteria shouldn’t include a person’s merit or skills, but instead on immutable traits that fit into chosen categories for quotas! People who are hired on the basis of DEI should never be canned no matter how much they cheat, or how ignorant their answers to simple questions are. Competence and honesty are irrelevant in the DEI world.

Anthony Fauci continually spread misinformation (lied) about COVID, which caused massive damage to the American economy and to people. He covered up for China by claiming that it was a disproven conspiracy that the virus could have been created in a lab. Yet, most of the media and other Democrats continue to treat him as an infallible expert. Why should anyone trust this congenital liar? Why do people still believe masks worked since there was no scientific evidence that they did?

Doctors and scientists who disagreed with Fauci, the CDC, or the World Health Organization were essentially silenced by the compliant media, which just repeated whatever the government wanted.

The World Health Organization touts themselves as experts but it appears their main expertise, on COVID, seemed to be to protect China from scrutiny. How many people died because of the WHO’s malfeasance? Trump cut off funds from the WHO, and of course Joe Biden turned their spigot back on.

The CDC is ostensibly supposed to protect our health, but on COVID they seemed more interested in catering to Democrat political supporters like teachers’ unions. The damage the CDC caused to children is immeasurable. Why should they be trusted?

The open border policies of Biden are allowing a huge number of people with diseases, and lacking vaccines, to come into the U.S. to spread harm. Yet, we don’t see the CDC out there chewing out the Bidenites for their malfeasance and the existential threat they are causing to our health; they are strangely silent. It appears they care more about their jobs than our health.

Instead of doing their jobs and worrying about the health and contagiousness of illegals, the CDC “experts” are touting pro-crime policies:

CDC Pushes to Address Racism, ‘Root Causes’ of Violence and ‘Injustice’ Rather Than Jailing Criminals

If they want to look at the root causes of poverty and crime, they should look to the Democrat policies of the last sixty years that encouraged the break up of families and single parenthood. 

On CNN they had an “expert” on to scare the public about heat-related deaths, and he brilliantly told the public that these sorts of deaths occur when it is very hot and when the people are already sick:

‘The thing about heat-related deaths is that they’re concentrated to when it’s very hot, and they’re also concentrated in people who are at greater risk because of their health conditions or other conditions[.]’

Maybe the expert should tell people, especially the old and the sick, that they should stay in air-conditioned environments, provided by coal, natural gas, and oil. They are much less likely to die of heat if they are inside where things are cool.

It seems that anyone who agrees with the talking point that humans and our use of natural resources causes an existential threat to temperatures and the climate is treated as an expert. Greta Thunberg, Al Gore, and John Kerry are treated as experts. It doesn’t matter how wrong their previous dire predictions have been, they are still treated as experts.

Not one of these experts has ever shown a direct link between gas-powered vehicles on the road, or the amount of oil used compared to temperatures, because there is none.

Meanwhile, people, including scientists, who say this is all a scam and tell the truth that the climate has always changed cyclically and naturally, are disparaged and silenced by calling them anti-science, neanderthals, and climate change deniers. Facts haven’t mattered for a long time, just the green agenda.

Summary: Always do your own research and ask questions. Use your common sense. Do not trust the media or the government when they refer to people as experts on anything. They are almost never smarter than the average critical thinker.

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