Where is the Butt-gate story?

The sickening news story about a Democrat senator’s staffer and a companion allegedly being the “couple” caught en flagrant délit on a desk in a Senate hearing room on Capitol Hill has all but vanished. And we never found out who the other party to this demented sexual display is. Why the silence? Isn’t it odd that the one man was all over the X-verse but the other man elicits crickets in the entire known media?

After Sen. Ben Cardin acknowledged that a young staffer (suspected to be the “known” man in the video) was “no longer employed” by his office, he admonished anyone who dared speak about the incident—Cardin’s office stated “we will have no further comment” and the story all but vanished. What is being covered up? We know what wasn’t just by viewing the video online, but there’s not a single word about the other party to this disgusting and reckless display of disdain for the American people’s house. Do you not wonder why?

The staffer suspected to have been a party to this casual attitude toward perverse public sexual behavior claimed he was being “attacked” for “who I love” and that said attack was “for political purposes.” In reality, he was not “attacked”; he resigned. And it had nothing to do with whom he “loved” but where he purportedly engaged in sexual relations. Finally, it was not for “political purposes” but rather because his judgment was revealed to be absolutely horrible to the point where he thought it was a good idea to have naked sex in the People’s House, on video, and seemingly without shame. It was egocentric, narcissistic, and in-your-face to the core.

When people have sex, they should do it privately, among consenting adults. We did not consent and this was not private. It’s my house and my furniture. It was nauseatingly public to the point where even seeing a still shot with pixelation of the hind quarters, you can’t unsee such things. Maybe this is fun for like-minded exhibitionists, but not for the general public who find this sort of behavior declassé and insulting, not to mention stomach-turning. 

Why is there such silence in the entire mainstream media? Even Fox News barely mentioned it in the days following its discovery and of course, the Marxist media won’t touch it with the proverbial ten-foot pole.

I want to know who the second person is, and the only reason I do is because there has not been a single word written about him, to my knowledge, which makes me very suspicious. Where is the curiosity? Is it someone whose name we would recognize? A real media would find out. The secrecy only enhances the suspicion that the second dude really, really doesn’t want his name known. A real media would grab this bone and run with it. But we don’t have a real media, so I feel we should turn this investigation over to the alternative media, to those with connections. Maybe Dan Bongino, who seems to have connections everywhere, might want to find out. Or Joe Rogan. Someone. Anyone. Then find out how fast the original perp will be rehired.

It’s bad enough America is already defiled with the Pelosis, the Swalwells, the Clintons, the Obamas, the Schiffs, the Comeys, and the Bidens. We don’t need to become an even bigger laughingstock on the world stage than we already are.

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