The wicked witch of D.C.

Recently, and increasingly frequently, we have been told not to believe what we see with our own eyes but instead to accept as true an altered, massaged interpretation of the facts designed to achieve a calculated political goal.

This exercise has come to be called a “narrative.” They’re everywhere.  Climate.  Gender.  War.  Illegal aliens.  Debt.  Race.  The presidential election of 2020.

The evidence that it was stolen from Donald Trump is overwhelming. But we can’t be allowed to believe what we see with our own eyes.

So we’re fed a narrative.

The fact is that on January 6 there was planned to be a concerted, vigorous challenge to the results of that election.  It may well have succeeded.  If it had, Trump might have been given the victory he had earned.  The fact is that to subvert that end Nancy Pelosi committed an unspeakable evil that day.  With the eager assistance of corrupt federal agencies, the Democrat Party, a corrupt judiciary, and corrupt politicians she orchestrated the riot that filled the chambers of Congress and scuttled the challenge.

To get away with that required a narrative, an altered, massaged interpretation of the facts.

So we were told that Trump incited an insurrection.  She formed a slimy committee of political reptiles that followed her instructions and concocted a narrative for that day that we were told to accept.

A winning presidential candidate was denied his victory and it was bestowed instead on the lifelong incompetent knave plucked from oblivion by Pelosi’s party and floated into office by millions of fraudulent votes.

That’s bad enough. But what she did to over a thousand decent, patriotic, good people who were ushered into those chambers by the connivers and colluders is much more terrible.

She created a narrative that destroyed them.  She destroyed their lives.  Their jobs, their savings, their peace of mind, their freedom in an act of shocking, vicious cruelty.

They’re in prison now, broke and ruined. She did that to them for the sake of political power.

Nancy Pelosi isn’t just corrupt and evil.  She is wicked beyond words.

Trump 2024.

Image: Defense Visual Information Distribution Service

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