The Trump comeback is the story of 2023

As we finish 2023, former president Trump is rising like never before. The RCP average has Trump leading within the margin of error in the popular vote but gaining in the swing states that will give him the electoral votes. It's quite a comeback, to say the least. I did not see this coming a year ago.

Why is this happening? There are two reasons.

The first one is comparison, or that classic line from Reagan: are you better off? The answer is simple. Most Americans are not better off.

The second reason is Trump Derangement Syndrome, or Democrat hysterical overreach such as the recent decision by the Colorado Supreme Court.

Professor Jonathan Turley expressed his concerns about the opinion and how it benefits former President Trump. The Daily Mail briefly summarized the events, and included quotes from Turley all found below:

Legal scholar Jonathan Turley slammed the Colorado Supreme Court for its ruling that removed former President Donald Trump from the state's 2024 Republican primary ballot.

'Well, this court just handed partisans on both sides the ultimate tool to try to shortcut elections, and it's very, very dangerous,' Turley said on Fox News moments after the decision. 

'I mean, this country is a powder keg, and this court is just throwing matches at it. And I think that it's a real mistake. But I think that they're wrong on the law,' Turley added. 

The court ruled Trump violated the insurrectionist clause of the 14th Amendment for his role in January 6 in a 4-3 decision from Democratic-appointed justices.

Turley, a professor of law and Fox News legal analyst, added he believes the ruling endangers American democracy.

That's right. It endangers democracy and Americans don't like that. Many hate Trump but they love the country more. They don't want to destroy the country to destroy Trump.

Will the comeback continue in 2024? Time will tell. My suggestion to Pres. Trump is to use this campaign to talk about his successes, from inflation to gasoline prices and order on the border rather than what happened in 2020.

To use a baseball analogy, Trump is starting the bottom of the 9th with a lead. Don't walk the leadoff hitter and put the tying run on base by distracting yourself with stuff that moves on Twitter but not the general population.

P.S. Check out my blog for posts, podcasts and videos.

Image: Joint Chiefs of Staff

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