The police won't protect you; you're on your own

Reality has a way of asserting itself. Post-October 7, American Jews have begun to realize the democrat/Socialist/Communist Party really isn’t their friend, won’t protect them, and is actually allied with monsters that want to kill every Jew. It took until November 15, however, for FBI Director Christopher Wray to admit to Congress that golly, there are thousands, maybe tens of thousands of likely terrorists crossing the border and that might be kind of a problem, like, you know, a terrorist problem maybe?

A problem indeed, on top of another problem: when it comes to personal safety we’re on our own. We always have been. The Supreme Court case is Castle Rock v. Gonzalez (2005). 

June 22, 1999, 5:00 p.m., Castle Rock, Colorado: Jessica Gonzalez’s three daughters, 7, 9, and 10, were playing in her yard. Violating a custody agreement and a restraining order, her estranged husband took the girls. At 7:30 p.m. Jessica called the police. She showed them copies of the custody agreement and the restraining order and begged them to return her daughters, but they told her they could do nothing and to call again at 10:00 PM if the girls weren’t home.

Why 10 PM? Shift change. It’s a common tactic police use to push calls they don’t want to deal with onto the next shift.

Jessica spoke with Gonzalez by phone at about 8:30, again called the police who again refused to act. She called them again at 10:00 and midnight. Again they did nothing.

Jessica couldn’t find her estranged husband, and called the police at 1:10 a.m. They promised to send an officer, but again ignored her. At 1:50 a.m. she went to the police station and begged them to make an incident report. The officer taking her complaint actually did something: he went to dinner.

At about 3:20 a.m., Gonzalez arrived at the police station, and with a handgun he bought hours earlier, opened fire. The police finally did their duty and helped him commit suicide by cop.

A short distance way, they found Gonzalez’s pickup, and in it, the bodies of his daughters. He murdered them hours earlier.

Jessica sued, and the case wound its way to the U.S. Supreme Court. Their decision affirmed decades of lower court precedent: the police have no duty to protect any individual from harm. They are obligated only to prevent crime by their presence, investigate crimes after they occur and provide police services to an abstract public-at-large. 

This might seem outrageous, but it is logical, rational and unquestionably necessary. Particularly in these times when it’s nearly impossible to recruit competent, capable police officers, who is going to take the job if they could be constantly sued for failing to protect people from dangers about which they had no knowledge or ability to intervene? What city could afford a police department?  Professional police officers want to save lives, they want to be heroes, but there are very few of them, lots of criminals and far more citizens. They love to catch really bad guys in the act, but that’s rare. In virtually every case, they’re only going to be able to process crime scenes and wait for the coroner.

The lesson—the reality—is we are solely responsible for our lives and the lives of those we love. Israelis, and Jews around the world, are awakening to that reality. They’re doing what even American democrats/Socialists/Communists have been doing in unprecedented numbers: buying guns and training.

The Director of the FBI hasn’t quite come around to that public realization.  He’s busy chasing soccer moms and “traditional” Catholics. Fortunately, normal Americans are more reality based. Now they know, legally speaking, why.

Note: I refer to members of the Democrat Party as “d/S/Cs” with a small “d,” because the party is dominated by socialists and communists, with what might be considered traditional, America-loving, democrats relegated to miniscule minority status.

image: author

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