Stand aside, women

It’s insulting, it’s offensive, and it’s unfair.   

Men pretending to be women have usurped female athletes in women’s sports, men have been named “Woman of the Year,” and men now win female beauty contests.  The insanity is endless, yet it continues unabated.  Whether it’s the invasion of female locker rooms, dressing rooms, and bathrooms by men, or males garnering prizes, awards, recognition, and accolades deemed for females, or being told most recently by the president of the National Women’s Law Center (a female, no less) that women should “learn to lose gracefully” to male competitors, real women have been advised to step aside...for men.

There was a time not too long ago when women’s spaces such as locker rooms, retail store dressing rooms, and public bathrooms were sacrosanct.  In other words, these were inviolable spaces where women could change clothing, shower, or go to the bathroom among people of their own sex.  That was the norm.  Sadly, this observed societal tenet of safety and security has been obliterated, thanks to the transgender “woke” ideology insofar as men, genitalia intact, have invaded the spaces once solely dedicated to women.  High school and college female athletes are now forced by school administrators and athletic directors and coaches to share locker rooms and dressing areas with confused male athletes whose naked pyrrhic glory is achieved by beating women and collecting trophies.  Female athletes who speak out against sharing their spaces with men are scolded, chided, called bigots and transphobes.  In terms of fairness, how is the erasure of female-specific sports competition equitable?

The fact that women are losing to men in women’s sporting events is not only defeating but also nullifies the reason behind the passage of Title IX, specifically relating to collegiate athletic programs.  By design in 1972 and since then, the passage of the bill greatly increased the number of women participating in college sports.  The intended purpose of Title IX, among other things, was to expand the number of sports programs made available for female athletes at the collegiate level and provide for equality and equity.  Apparently, the lure of collecting first place ribbons, trophies, and accolades is much too enticing for some mediocre male athletes, who, unable to rise above a middling ranking among their male competitors, feel the need to beat females in swimming, track, and field, and cycling — just to name a few of the sports where men pretending to be women have dominated.  Not only have men set unbeatable competition records that no woman will ever best, but women such as Riley Gaines have been shunted aside in favor of men at award ceremonies.  Ms. Gaines was simply supposed to dismiss her years-long dedication, training, and winning swimming competitive record by “standing aside,” while Will (Lia) Thomas, a man, was awarded a medal (Ms. Gaines’s rightful medal) in a college women’s swimming competition.

Taking the submissive losing stance, settling for second, third place, fourth, or even fifth place, is now the recommended approach, according to Fatima Goss Graves, president of the National Women’s Law Center.  According to Ms. Graves during her recent congressional testimony, “losing gracefully” is a noble thing, as if sacrificing the female self on the altar of transgender wokeness is worthy of praise.  The pervasive woke ideology prescribes that women acquiesce to men pretending to be women as it applies to sports competition, beauty contests, fashion, advertising, education, employment, and all things relating to being female.

Dylan Mulvaney, a confused man-child pretending to be a woman, was right about one thing when accepting his recent “Woman of the Year” award, presented by Attitude magazine.  Mr. Mulvaney effusively gushed during his acceptance speech, remarking, “So no matter how hard I try, or what I wear, or what I say, or what surgeries I get, I will never reach an acceptable version of womanhood by those hateful people’s standards.”

Hate has nothing to do with it.  In truth, real women simply know that surgery, synthetic injected hormones, press-on nails, hair extensions, layers of make-up, designer clothing, accessories, and shoes, coupled with over-the-top feminized behavior, are not what it means to be female.  No woman should ever be asked to stand aside or lose gracefully to a man pretending to be a woman.

Image via Pxfuel.

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