Palestinian protestors decide to disrupt Christmas

Yeah, we heard them.

We saw how they blocked highways, waved swastikas, sprayed graffiti on the White House front gate, ripped down 'Missing' posters of Israeli hostages held by Hamas, and did other disgusting things to persuade the public that they were the good guys in Israel's war against Palestinian terrorists.

Sure thing.

Apparently it wasn't enough. Now they're pulling this garbage to shut down Christmas around the country. Naturally, they're quite active in San Francisco:





But also New York:





And New Jersey:



And Chicago:





They are undoubtedly wreaking havoc on Christmas in other places, too -- blocking highways, forcing people to miss flights, destroying Christmas tree displays, protesting churches and undoubtedly disrupting masses as well as uttering foul things to Jewish people who are unfortunate enough to cross their paths.

Numerous theories about as to what is going on here.

Joel Pollak explains what he thinks it's about here:



Or, maybe it's a prelude to beat America down and soften America up, and prepare for even nastier acts:



Maybe both. My own suspicion is that these disruptions are being organized abroad and being brought here as we have never seen such garbage in the states before. In Europe, the picture is even viler as terrorists have been caught planning major attacks on its cathedrals and Christmas fairs.

It may well be the beginnings of what this demon is screeching:



And look, they've got their own artsy graphic artist:



Something here's very organized about this, and it's not indigenous to the U.S.

Don't we have a CIA that's supposed to warn us about these kinds of plots?

Guess I forgot that they're on the other side.

Remember this, from the Washington Free Beacon?

The senior CIA official who posted a pro-Palestinian image on Facebook in the wake of Hamas’s deadly attack on Israel is associate deputy director for analysis Amy McFadden, the agency confirmed to the Washington Free Beacon.

McFadden was not mentioned by name in a Tuesday Financial Times article about her Facebook banner image, which was a picture of a man waving a Palestinian flag, citing alleged "concern about her safety." A review of McFadden’s LinkedIn page revealed expressions of support for the anti-Israel International Crisis Group, once headed by disgraced former White House official Robert Malley.

McFadden’s criticism of Israel comes as President Joe Biden faces a revolt in the federal government over the Jewish state’s military response in Gaza after Hamas’s attacks left at least 1,400 dead, including 32 Americans. The CIA official's conduct suggests even those working at the highest echelon of the federal government’s intelligence services feel comfortable making public statements contrary to the United States’ official stance on Israel.

So now we see our roads blocked, our churches attacked, our citizens threatened, our Christmas trees desecrated, and probably much more.

It's all pretty disturbing. The Hamas crowd is now targeting Christmas, having felt very satisfied with how they got away with targeting Jews, painting this act to shut down Christmas as a pious act to recall the suffering of Palestinians. We didn't see them shut down Idul Fitri for that. They're doing it to rob us of our own holiday while keeping theirs, proving that this isn't about championing the Palestinians.

This isn't going to stop, it seems, until the entire West rises up to put these terrorists out of their misery.

Image: Twitter video screen shot

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