Obama is never going away

I suspect that Barack Obama consciously chose not to allow the world to see his full communist, socialist, leftist leanings while he was still POTUS.  And so I fear that many have become convinced that he is a real American.

That is the crux of the matter: don’t you ever wonder about anyone who is so totally dedicated to the destruction of America?  And how many still consider him an American?  A professional politician can be very good at being a politician while not being very good at being an American.

There are three things that motivate every professional politician: power, money, and sex, in no particular order.  One or more is the prime motivator for every professional politician.  Everything else that they can possibly want is connected to and dependent on those three.

Obama wanted at least one of those, probably even two.  He wanted his legacy as the first black president to be clean for the history books in the future, not to be vilified as another Karl Marx.  It would not be clean to go down in history as one of the greatest anti-America presidents in history.  He knows that he is still young enough, charismatic enough, connected enough, and is becoming wealthy enough to get away with it.

Please do not give up on America.  The forces of evil never give up on their assault.  The defenders of American liberty should not give up, either.  We may as well get used to that truth and never completely relax.  If we relax, the attacks of the left will intensify even more.

Now does it all make more sense?  You know, I’m thinking this could be the case with more professional politicians than just Mr. Obama.

James L. Beam is a pseudonym.

Image: Gage Skidmore via Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0.

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