Liz Cheney's 'Orange Jesus' lie

Disgraced ex-congressperson Liz Cheney is making the rounds on Leftist media promoting her book  Oath and Honor. In it she relates a claim that someone (later claimed to be Mark Green) made the statement, “The things we do for the Orange Jesus.”

Mark Green's office issued the following statement:

Liz Cheney’s accusation is false. She and her publishers would know this had they reached out to Rep. Green or his office. There was a large crowd in the cloak room that day and Congressman Green unequivocally denies making this comment.

What is interesting, and I had not previously read, is that this alleged statement came about while Republicans were lining up to sign electoral vote certification objection sheets. 

Staffer to Liz Cheney:

Those are the objection sheets. 


Because it's only required that one House Member objects (to certification), but there were so many who wanted to show that they were objecting that they setup these sign-up sheets. 

Of course, as we know, following the subsequent Fedsurrection, Nancy Pelosi reconvened the chamber under an emergency proclamation, foregoing any possibility of challenging the certification.

Who has and where are these objection sheets? Probably buried with the J6 committee documents and testimony.

Liz Cheney is the last person to boast of oath and honor. She showed very little or no honor in railroading Donald Trump and his followers through the "bogus" J6 committee. She, along with the other J6 committee members, doctored and subsequently destroyed evidence. They failed to call any defense witnesses and hid exculpatory evidence from those being held in prison, along with their attorneys. 

I have long resisted the UniParty premise, but the more absurd the Left and middling-RINO's go in trying to keep Donald Trump from power, makes me come around to the idea that it is, as Donald Trump says, "us against them." 

The crazy is getting crazier. Liz Cheney is the poster child. 

Image: Milonica

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