Joe Biden's dull-witted campaign, plagiarized from Obama

Anybody smell the aroma of stale campaign narratives, dating from the Obama years? Look at these talking points coming out from Team Biden's stepped-up presidential campaign on Twitter:




They sound so old -- just like Joe Biden, which in itself is a reminder to young voters that this guy is old.

It sounds like the consultants and political operatives crafting the Biden campaign can't think of a thing good to say about the Biden administration, so they resort to the old Obama-era tropes, plagiarizing them in the Biden way. Tax the rich and all will be fixed. Women make 59 cents on the dollar compared to what men make. Trump wants to take away your health care.

I can hear the Rick-roll music, see the Britney Spears snake videos, feel the Members-Only jacket tag label. These arguments for Biden are old, tired, and clearly borrowed as talking points from the old Obama and Clinton campaigns of 10, 20, 30 years ago. 

Tax the rich? How many times has that been tried before -- to absolutely no results, other than the proliferation of tax shelters and capital flight? Obama was big on that one. Communists were big on that in the 1990s.

And the women-men salary thing? How hoary is that? That 59 cents argument has been around since Ann Richards won Texas. And who the heck has been ruling the U.S. as a one-party state all these years that this happens? Not one Democrat fixed this? There are no labor laws? Well then maybe it's not the problem they say it is -- or else the problem is Democrats.

And of course, there's Obamacare. We're supposed to be concerned about Obamacare being taken away and granny being pushed off a cliff. How old is that? The problem with Obamacare, as even Elizabeth Warren has admitted, is that it sucks -- too expensive, too little health care, and the world's worst bureaucracy. Biden should be campaigning on reforming that rather than scaremongering about a truly execrable program that everyone hates enough to want to get rid of. 

Is this all Biden has to offer? Old arguments that are no longer valid, on old issues nobody cares about, and pay no attention to that Bidenflation looming everywhere one goes.

Biden is such an incompetent even his inflation arguments make him a figure of fun. 



The Inflation Reduction Art got rid of no inflation -- it actually made it worse -- and a figure of fun



And speaking of figures of fun, don't forget about her:



Is that a threat?

The Biden campaign is so bad it's putting out this kind of stuff -- white trash-on-white trash, meet the Kardashians, meet Honey Boo-Boo the child beauty queen with the farting mom, goggle at Biden royalty  -- and try some of Hunter's favorite consumables.



It looks like they're grasping for low information voters and they probably are since they're the only group they haven't lost voters on.

If this is the best the Biden campaign has to offer to rope in these voters, it's in big trouble.

Image: Twitter screen shot

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