Hopeful American musings for the new year

For editors at American Thinker it’s easy to develop a pessimistic outlook. We read the news every day; it’s seldom encouraging. All that’s necessary for Americans to live in relative harmony is to accept and live our common, national faith: the Constitution and the rule of law it establishes. If politicians and everyone else could simply think: “I’d like this policy or benefit, but the Constitution doesn’t allow it. If I push it, it's going to damage, maybe destroy, what we have, what so many have sacrificed to build, so I’ll be an adult and keep my mouth shut.” If they could also think: “I’ll just treat others the way I’d like to be treated and generally leave them alone,” that would be nice too. I’d settle for: “I will not behave like a drooling savage.”

I know. What world am I living in?

Evil exists, and if it wins, America could fall apart within the new year. Illegal immigration, open borders admitting tens of thousands of military age males from enemy countries, many on terrorist watch lists, banana republic politics, the Republican—national—presidential front-runner facing multiple, farcical, political charges…it’s overwhelming. Our blue states are akin to failed socialist states, the cities, third world war zones. Crime is rampant, honest citizens are afraid to leave their homes, businesses losing millions to organized shoplifting are closing, prosecutors refuse to prosecute, judges refuse to punish, and the growth industry is human waste and drug paraphernalia removal.

Government is increasingly seen as a malicious parasite at best, rather than American’s hired hands.

Many Americans are convinced there will never again be an honest election, and it’s likely more will gain that conviction this year. Real, violent, civil strife is increasingly possible. Secession, even civil war, are no longer unthinkable. For those wanting to see what that might resemble, Kurt Schlichter’s Kelly Turnbull series of novels are a sobering, and utterly plausible, warning.

But there is hope:

Image: New York New Yeaar celebrations. Wikimedia commons.org. Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International

*America remains the beacon of the world. Who wants to move to Iran? Any Islamist country? China? Russia?

*Despite purposeful inflation, most Americans are still making it on their own, without government handouts. There is great nobility and satisfaction in honest work and individual responsibility.

*In most of America, the police are still allowed to do their jobs, and they sometimes, willingly, give their lives to protect people they’ve never met.

*An increasing number of Americans realize as determined as the police are, they can’t be everywhere. We’re responsible for our safety and the safety of those we love. Americans are increasingly taking responsibility for that, making us all safer.

*Most of America is not a third world war zone. Most Americans live comfortably peaceful lives of hope and promise.

*Most Americans still believe in honor, duty, doing what’s right, and treating others with kindness.

*Most Americans still love their country and recognize its greatness and the greatness of the American people.

*Kittens and puppies.

*We have a Supreme Court whose opinions largely rely on the Constitution rather than on political preference.

*Their opinions have strengthened the Second Amendment, which protects the rest.

*Most of our judges rule on the same basis. Were that not so, America would already have melted down.


*Most Americans will risk their lives to help a woman or child in trouble.

*Most Americans will stop to help others at the roadside.

*More and more, Americans are awakening to the dangers that face us, and are willing, non-violently, to fight back. That’s still, thankfully, usually effective.

*There have always been enough Americans willing to defend our Republic against “our democracy,” if forced to the fight.

*Those Americans have the tools, training and determination to win. They know what a woman is, which bathroom to use, and aren’t fond of groomers.

*Most Americans believe in God. An ever-increasing number are taking their faith seriously.

*Most Americans are grateful for their blessings, for what they have and who they are.

*Americans remain the most generous people on Earth.

*Most Americans expect politicians to be rascals and fools, but are open to being pleasantly surprised when they’re not.

*Most Americans understand not every culture is alike, not every culture is equally good. They understand people must be judged on the content of their character and their actions.

*The idea America is racist is a particularly stupid lie and most Americans know it.

*Most Americans still hold the values of hard work, honesty, kindness, generosity, individualism, integrity and personal responsibility that built America.

*Most Americans want America to survive and thrive. They want it to remain the shining city on the hill, the last, best hope of Mankind.

*When the time comes, if the time comes, they’ll fight to preserve that hope.

May the Lord bless and keep you and yours, and may 2024 be a much better year that our fears might anticipate.

Mike McDaniel is a USAF veteran, classically trained musician, Japanese and European fencer, life-long athlete, firearm instructor and retired police officer and high school and college English teacher.  His home blog is Stately McDaniel Manor.  

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