Flashpoints of a second civil war?

The fuse is burning ever closer to a catastrophic detonation in 2024:

President Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has confirmed that the agency is developing a program that will provide border crossers and illegal aliens released into the United States with photo ID cards.

For more than a year, Breitbart News has chronicled how DHS is planning to roll out a pilot program that will give border crossers and illegal aliens photo ID cards, similar to a driver’s license, upon their release into the United States interior from the southern border.

This, knowing there is no way to confirm the identity of most, if not all, illegal immigrants.  They’ll be giving official government ID to military-aged males from enemy countries, establishing false identities for them.  Unless government can be certain of the identification of these cardholders, data entry, storage and retrieval will be chaotic at best.  We’ll be storing false, misdirecting data on ghosts, criminals, terrorists and spies.  These will be alternate social security numbers, rendering the real thing essentially meaningless.

What you'll never see if the Biden Administration prevails.

Image: Mass trial at federal courthouse, Pecos, TX.  wikimedia commons.org.  Public domain.

“[The Office of Immigration Program Evaluation] is leading the ICE Secure Docket Card (SDC) project, which offers a uniform, durable card provided to noncitizens upon release, and facilitates reliable access to commonly lost or damaged immigration-related paperwork,” the ICE report details:

The SDC will be integrated with the Unified Immigration Portal that ICE and [Customs and Border Protection] officers and agents use in the field and the ICE Portal to allow noncitizens access to commonly used documents and services. ICE expects the project to ease ICE personnel workload when encountering noncitizens with the card and decrease the burden on noncitizens when interacting with ICE, including the facilitation of remote reporting for certain low-risk populations. ICE anticipates a limited release in two [Enforcement and Removal Operations] field offices in FY 2024. [Emphasis added]

This is nothing less than normalizing and legalizing illegal immigration. It’s establishing a separate criminal class, yet a class that can never be prosecuted for their crimes. It’s a blatant flaunting of the law. Blue states will use the cards, without any vetting, to issue driver’s licenses, voter registration cards, and all manner of other entitlements. Every card issued is an abetment of a variety of federal crimes, and surrender of our national sovereignty.

In 2024, this could be the spark of the first, second civil war, battleground. Should federal agents and Texas Rangers come to blows…

The Biden administration warned Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott on Thursday that legal action will be taken if the state enforces a new law that allows authorities to arrest, jail, prosecute and deport migrants who enter the country illegally. 

A Justice Department official said in a letter sent to Abbott that the law was unconstitutional and “contrary to the US commitment of ensuring the processing of noncitizens consistent with the Immigration and Nationality Act.”

The Mummified Meat Puppet Administration is willfully, daily, violating federal immigration law, surrendering national sovereignty, and exposing Americans to rampant criminality, terrorism and death, yet is determined to ensure that no one raise a finger to enforce the law and protect the country.

SB 4, signed into law by Abbott on Dec. 18, makes illegally entering the US from Mexico a state crime and authorizes police to arrest individuals suspected of crossing the Rio Grande between ports of entry.

The MMPA is so desperate because they know this could dramatically reduce illegal immigration.

Migrants caught illegally entering the country would face a Class B misdemeanor charge carrying a punishment of up to six months in jail. Repeat offenders would be subject to a second-degree felony charge punishable by up to 20 years in prison.

SB 4 allows Texas judges to drop charges against migrants if they agree to be deported. 

If there is, apart from letter-of-the-law treason, a greater reason for impeachment, it’s hard to imagine. Biden’s handlers willfully refuse to enforce federal immigration law. The system isn’t broken, it has been abandoned. Joe Biden is personally responsible for seeing that the laws—all of them—are faithfully enforced, but the only remedies are impeachment and refusing to reelect him. 

Congressional Democrats/Socialists/Communists are worried. The open border is threatening their reelections. Terrorist acts—increasingly likely—committed by illegal, d/S/C invited, cardholders could cost their cushy jobs. They’re surely holding their collective breath on that account. If Biden is impeached on these grounds, it’s possible there might be enough d/S/C support in the Senate for conviction, particularly if terrorists start slaughtering Americans on American soil, but even that isn’t certain.

What is certain, and terribly ironic, is were Biden facing criminal charges, he couldn’t stand trial--mental incapacity.

The self-imagined elite are dragging us to destruction. This isn’t going to end well.


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