Delusions about the sun, from the global warming fanatics

As the United Nations' COP28UAE global warming conference kicks off in Dubai, it's worth remembering that politicians, bureaucrats, CEOs, educators, entertainers, and journalists have had nothing to do with the invention or control of any of the following:
The sun
The moon
They have no control over:
High tides
Low tides
El Nino
La Nina
They cannot control the temperature of the sun which is above10,000 degrees and seem to have no idea why or how the sun's atmosphere is more than 300 times hotter than the surface.
It is just guesswork that humans, cars, CO2, and our use of natural resources have any effect on the temperature of the sun or its atmosphere.
The sun’s surface is blisteringly hot at 10,340 degrees Fahrenheit — but its atmosphere is another 300 times hotter. This has led to an enduring mystery for those who study the sun: What heats the atmosphere to such extreme temperatures? Normally when you move away from a hot source the environment gets cooler, but some mechanism is clearly at work in the solar atmosphere, the corona, to bring the temperatures up so high.
They have no control of the distance that the Earth is from the sun (93 million miles) which allows the Earth to stay at a temperature where humans, plants, and animals can survive and thrive
Earth's average distance to the Sun is about 93 million miles (150 million kilometers) from the Sun.
They have no control of the Earth's approximate 365 day orbit of the sun or its speed
Earth revolves in orbit around the Sun in 365 days, 6 hours, 9 minutes with reference to the stars, at a speed ranging from 29.29 to 30.29 km/s.
They have no influence at all on the daily rotation or the revolutions of the Earth in relation to the sun
Earth undergoes both rotation and revolution. Rotation refers to Earth's spinning motion about its axis, while revolution describes its fixed orbital path around the Sun. Earth's rotation takes 24 hours to complete one rotation and 365 days to complete one revolution around the Sun.
Yet, these same people tell us that they can keep temperatures, sea levels, and ice caps near current levels if we just hand the government trillions of dollars and give up gas cars, gas appliances, and consume less meat. They can also prevent droughts, floods, and storms. They cannot only control the number of hurricanes, but also the strength of thee hurricanes. Their skills are limitless in their mind. 
They can't tell the difference between a man and a woman, can't control inflation, can't control the border and can't teach children to read or do math at grade level, but somehow they can control all aspects of the climate forever if we, the people, just give up our lifestyle and freedom. They can control the global temperature within one degree forever and somehow these geniuses have determined that today's temperature is the optimum temperature no matter whether the temperature has gone up and down cyclically and naturally for billions of years. No one is supposed to ask questions or do research because we are told that the science is settled. After all, John Kerry says none of this green agenda is political or ideological. It is all just based on science. 
And Kerry never gets anything wrong or just makes things up to push an agenda, does he?
Kerry claims the Arctic will be ice-free by summer 2013

Sen. John Kerry says climate change is happening faster than we think.

It appears that these people are just willing to lie, or else have a superiority complex, like Obama, who said sea levels would stop rising when he was elected president.
Maybe they are just delusional. 
The only thing I can think of why so many people, including people with supposedly high IQs believe these talking points is that they have been indoctrinated and have lost their common sense and ability to reason, research, or ask questions.
Image: Pixabay / Pixabay License
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