Defiling the People's House

A staffer for Sen. Ben Cardin (D-Maryland) was fired for having gay sex on camera in a hearing room in our Capitol building.

The man’s comment about his firing was stunning.



He said he was:

“…attacked for who I love to pursue a political agenda.”

No. He was fired, not “attacked,” and he was fired for poor judgment, immoral behavior and the desecration of the People’s House.

Jesus drove the money lenders out of the temple for desecrating it with commerce.

It is only fitting that the Democrat Senator and the American people drive out those who would defile the People’s House.

This firing has nothing to do with whom this person “loves” (as though sex were always love), but it has everything to do with where he does it and why. In this case, the “why” seems to be an utter lack of respect for his boss, the American people, and for America in general. 



Whatever could possess someone to have gay or heterosexual sex in a public house where there are cameras? I realize that the thrill of possibly getting caught could enhance the experience, but judgment this poor makes one wonder what other risky behavior has this person engaged in, possibly risking other Americans’ lives. State secrets? Military maneuvers? He has put the country at risk by revealing the god-awful judgment and casual attitude he has toward his responsibilities.

On Joe Biden’s watch, we have been treated to a disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan which left many dead and billions of dollars’ worth of materiel.

On his watch, inflation grew wildly.

On his watch, crime exploded in cities run by Democrats.

On his watch, San Francisco and other once-lovely cities have become feces-ridden hellholes.

On his watch, seven million migrants have entered our country illegally and we don’t know how many are terrorists holding the kill-switch.

On his watch, we lost our energy independence.

On his watch, the tackiest Christ-less “holiday” video from the White House was just released to the nightmare screams of the people whose House this once belonged.



On his watch, rainbow flags have been flown on the White House and on the embassies of American government.

On his watch, DEI has killed the aspirations of the truly talented in favor of the barely mediocre.

On his watch, the trans and LGB agenda has taken over schools from K-12, increasing the rate of the deterioration of real learning.

On his watch our military cannot fight a war to defend America if we have to.

On his watch, our reputation on the world stage has deteriorated to the point where bad actors knew they could attack Israel and almost 100 of our own installations around the world with impunity.

On his watch, we have fallen apart at our moral, ethical, economic, and military seams.

And now, on his watch, because of the sexually permissive attitude of the Democrat Party overall, we have sunk to so low that some people believe it is all right to have sex in our House on our desk. Some laugh when we call this behavior “demonic.” It is not a laughing matter when all the moral and ethical guardrails are torn asunder and evil prevails, which is where we are right now. 



There is a deep rumbling under the surface. American people of all colors and flavors are now seeing what progressivism stands for; unfettered immorality and a self-destructive agenda which also destroys America in the process. People are waking up and fighting back now, thank God. The progressive destructiveness will be gone soon as good Americans come to their senses and fight back, which is what I see happening today. The situation needs, above all, our prayers and our courage to continue to fight more.

Image: Twitter screen shot


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