Democrats and racists; but I repeat myself

The Democrat party is comprised of racists. It is anti-Semitic, anti-white, and anti-Christian.

In recent weeks, they have revealed that they will not stand up for Israel and her Jewish population. Democrats consistently vote against anything that could even remotely be considered anti-Hamas. They won’t even censure members who openly stand with known terrorist organizations. Need it be noted that Hamas is a terrorist organization that has openly sworn not only to destroy Israel and every Jew they can get their blood-stained hands on, they have also sworn to destroy America, Christians and all “infidels,” meaning non-Muslims?

There are enemies in the very guts of American life, like tapeworms devouring any source of national nourishment.

In our own Congress, there are members who boisterously advocate for Hamas, Hezbollah, ISIS, and Islamic Jihad. How did the U.S. manage to elect people to Congress who hate America? We used to call them traitors. Now they are “freedom fighters.” We should be ashamed to allow this in a country founded upon liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Because of Democrats, who want open borders, we have had in recent years a deluge of Muslim immigrants, many of them illegal. They have set up camp in places like Minneapolis and their influence has multiplied like flies on rotting pork. There were enough Muslims to elect to Congress representatives who care only about destroying the Judeo-Christian foundation of American life. Now these representatives are openly advocating for the destruction of Jews and of Israel.  They cry genocide against “Palestinians” yet ignore the October 7 genocide where 1,400 Jews of all ages, and some unborn beyond that, were violently, systematically, and surgically murdered.

And now reports of Islamic cannibalism are showing up. The cry from Democrats is about “Islamophobia.”

This is a puerile and transparent diversionary tactic to turn horrified eyes away from the wholesale slaughter by Muslims of Jews in Israel on October 7. From the river to the sea, the followers of this malevolent ideology are determined once and for all to destroy Israel, Jews, America and Christianity. Have they influenced our government enough so that they can actually pull it off? Serious people might ask if those in high places in our own Congress are feeding sensitive information to Hamas and its coevals -- or to Iran, Russia, China, and North Korea. We have not forgotten the Chinese spy balloon. How did it get to this point?

The current Obama-influenced Biden administration is doing almost nothing to reverse this effort to destroy America's heart and soul. They claim they are “unconditionally” on Israel’s side and will support her, but everyone knew the moment Biden uttered those words of support that he would cave at the first hint that Muslim voters would turn against him for it. By contrast, Republicans genuinely (and generally) support Israel and Jews while Democrats can reliably be counted on to go against Jews. But that isn’t news. The Jews have always been targets, even back in biblical times. They are handy, and haters need to hate.

Democrats are notoriously against liberty and freedom, except for the "freedom" to indoctrinate college students against Israel and all things Jewish, the freedom to groom children, the freedom to promote anti-white racism through CRT and DEI, the freedom to trans preadolescents, and the freedom to hate. And then they have the colossal nerve to claim that “Christian nationalism” (which doesn’t exist in America), “white supremacy”, and MAGA Republicans are the greatest threat to democracy. If there are other claims as bizarre as these, they are sure to crop up in time for the 2024 election.  Democrats have come to represent racism of all flavors; against Jews, Christians, and white people. Smart Democrats will publicly deny affiliation with such a hateful agenda as that promulgated by The Squad and the Democrat party in general, but are there any smart Democrats left?

If voters are smart, and I am not suggesting they are, they will vote out every Democrat running for office including the current occupant of the White House. If voters do manage to turn him out, along with him will go the Obama holdovers who have managed to put America in the current unenviable position of having to defend herself against her own Congress.

Image: MPAC National, via Flickr // CC BY 2.0

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