Changing Gaza by keeping Western money out of the antisemites’ hands

Perhaps there are new approaches to the belligerent Gaza population that need consideration. I assume Israel will win the war and that the Biden administration, the EU, and the United Nations, will immediately want to flood the region with money to reinstate the same toxic, Hamas-run society as before. It doesn’t have to be that way, though.

Given the strictures on Israel that those international entities are currently imposing on Israel, it’s apparent that they believe the current “welfare state” of Gaza has only a single purpose, which is to serve as a base for a future Palestinian state. Actually, I thought it already was a Palestinian state but, apparently, the Biden administration wants to add Judea and Samaria to Gaza under the Mahmoud Abbas regime. It can do this easily if Israel foolishly agrees to place Gaza under international control.

Currently, the following informal suggestions have been bandied about as an alternative to the Gazastinians being allowed to form yet another failed Palestinian state:

  • Forced relocation to anywhere
  • Voluntary relocation to anywhere
  • Population transfers to Sinai or Jordan
  • Population transfers to Western Europe and the United States
  • Population transfers to other Muslim countries
  • Population transfers to South America
  • Policing powers assumed by Israel

None of these are likely to take root because they frustrate the aims of the international community, which seeks the inanition and pauperization of Israel so it can no longer defend its own borders. Making Israel subject to the largesse of institutions such as the UN means that those who hate Israel no longer have to deal with this Jewish irritant in world affairs. A weakened Israel also protects Iran, a goal of the OBiden administration, the reasons for which remain poorly understood by rational thinkers. Israeli independence of action has never been a viable option under the New World Order.

Image by Andrea Widburg

Israel, though, has options not normally placed on the table. The United States recently gave millions of dollars to an organization that props up Hamas terrorism, a mere drop in the bucket compared to the billions America has funneled into Gaza over the years. This eternal injection of cash is necessary to purchase all the goods necessary to maintain 2.1 million non-productive people since the area has no income of its own. It is a pariah population used as cannon fodder for the bellicose elements involved in the strange Middle East.

However, if Israel could negotiate control of these continuous cash infusions, it could prevent the money from being used to build more tunnels. In short, Israel can take on the duties of a banker for the Gaza residents.

In gaining control of these funds, a few good things might happen.

  • Israel can run a program akin to Birthright (which brings diaspora disaffected Jews to Israel to see past the anti-leftist propaganda) for the Gaza population. Gazans can be invited to view Israeli society and then be sent back home with the new dissonant information they will have gathered with their own eyes and ears. Currently, they suffer from many cognitive deficits, chief among them that life cannot change for the better no matter how they seek to organize their society. The potential effectiveness of an Arab Birthright approach can be gauged by polling those Gazans who have been coming to Israel for specialized medical treatment over the decades. Have their feelings of bellicosity towards Israel diminished?
  • Israel can revamp the educational system from pre-K to high school for the Gazan children who have been perverted with hatred for generations.
  • Israel can construct educational experiences for Gazan men and, separately, for women.
  • Israel can get rid of UNRWA. Thus, a key to the success of any re-education program is preventing the hiring of teachers by UNRWA employees who owe their loyalty to Hamas or are actual members of the organization.

Who could be opposed to revamping the ideological inclinations of the Gazans, both children and adults? If the Biden administration balks at re-education, then there should never be a rational Israeli government that even considers independence at any level for the Palestinians.

Currently, Gaza is a perfect one for what happens when there is no alternative on the table to “forever war.” The vast majority (approx. 75%) of Gazastinians favor a government run by Hamas (or Hamas and the Palestinian Authority). This tells us that the level of their twisted delusions is quite pronounced. Israel, of course, cannot countenance continued Hamas rule.

A further indication of the brittle rigidity of Gazastinian thinking is reflected in their sincere belief that Hamas is winning the war in Gaza. This is so despite their access to Israeli news broadcasts, as well as the manifest destruction of the Hamas redoubts dotted throughout their residential areas (especially in and around hospitals and schools).

Palestinians will continue to believe these things until reality asserts itself, perhaps motivating some change in their thinking. Without those changes, coexistence will always be impossible. Having Israel control the money to fund a truly civilized infrastructure and a humanist education may lead them to forswear those parts of the Koran requiring them to kill Jews wherever they find them.

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