Bloodthirsty Hamas apologists crawl out of the woodwork

In the West, those inexplicably defending Hamas have often justified their stance by claiming Hamas didn't do what the news reports say they did.

There are the darlings of academia and the foundations, speaking to the press with full denialism. That would include Palesttinian so-called "human rights" activist Hanan Ashrawi, who has been heaped with so many academic and foundation laurels in the West for her "peace-making."

According to MEMRI:

Former member of the Palestinian Legislative Council and peace talk delegation Hanan Ashrawi rejected in an October 26, 2023, show on Democracy Now! on YouTube, claims that Hamas committed atrocities against Israel in its October 7 attack. She claimed that the U.S. is not just complicit with Israel, but it is a "partner in crime." Ashrawi stated that U.S. President Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken have "sacrificed their credibility in a horrible way by repeating the propaganda of the Israeli spin machine." She continued to state that "even the Europeans swallowed all these lies in the beginning of the incursion in which they accused the Palestinians of horrible things without evidence." Ashrawi said President Biden "just blindly parrots everything he hears from the Israelis," and she added that he and others have had to "walk back [from] the issue of women being raped, or children being beheaded, or all that nonsense, doctored pictures, and so on."

What a gaslighter.

Meanwhile, out on the streets, there also are poster-rippers tearing down signs of Israel's missing people kidnapped by Hamas, and claiming to reporters and angry citizens that the atrocities never happened, so the posters are just 'propaganda.'

Such as this pair of toads here:



Denialism is a large strain of the Hamas crowd.

But so is openly feasting on blood.

Even as Hamas's apologists on one side claim that Hamas wouldn't dream of killing a baby, another strain of pro-Hamas protestors reveling in Hamas's atrocities.

Such as this one, who vows to drink blood and eat skulls:


She's kind of the Greta Thunberg of the Hamas set, and had been an Amnesty International poster girl:


This looks like a pretty reasonable observation:


I'm surprised she wasn't beaten by Hamas for running around without her burka.

The media gushing about her was really gross:



It gets worse: Here's the Hamas baby killer lobby, seeping up from some moral sewer, as reported by Breitbart News:

Hecklers shouted “kill the babies” to taunt a protest Sunday organized by Jews in Skokie, Illinois, to highlight the fact that 30 children, including babies, are being held hostage by the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas in Gaza.

They sound like demons.

And don't think they don't mean what they say. In London we see this:


Schama is a leading historian.He knows what he talks about when he speaks of the smell of the 1930s. Lots of people like to talk about Nazis but few can speak about them with the authority that he does.

It's ugly stuff out there and now they're getting open about not just their support for Hamas, but support for Hamas's unspeakable crimes. They like those crimes. They aren't denying the crimes at all, they are embracing the evil. Now they're crawling out of the woodwork.

Image: Twitter screen shot








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