Then Vice-President Biden wrote 29,000-plus emails about his son’s business dealings

Biden has been remarkably clear over the past three years. He’s never—do you hear him?—never discussed business with his son Hunter. And yet, funnily enough, over 29,000 emails have now emerged in which he discussed business with both Hunter and James “Jim” Biden (whom I’ve long suspected is the real brains in the Biden family business).

Let’s take a little walk down memory lane:

August 2019: “I’ve never discussed with my son or my brother or anyone else anything having to do with their businesses. Period.”

September 2019: “I’ve never spoken with my son about his overseas business dealings.”

October 2019: Question: “Do you stand by your statement that you never discussed any of your son’s overseas business dealings?” Answer: “Yes, I stand by that statement.”

October 2019, again: “I never discussed a single thing with my son about anything having to do with Ukraine.”

And October 2019, again: “I’ve never discussed my business or their business, my son’s or daughter’s.”

September 2020, during the first presidential debate: Whenever Trump brought up the subject of Biden being in business with his son, Biden responded, “None of that is true,” adding that these claims were “totally discredited.”

June 2023: When asked if he’d lied about not speaking with Hunter about business deals, Biden gave a one-word response: “No.”

Image: Joe Biden (edited). YouTube screen grab.

It turns out that everybody was asking Biden the wrong questions. The correct questions should not have been about “speaking” or “discussing” business dealings with Hunter or Jim Biden. Instead, they should have been about “emailing” Hunter and Jim about those business dealings. As every lawyer knows, if you don’t ask the right question, you don’t get the right answer.

I can say that with assurance because America First Legal forced the National Archives and Records Administration (“NARA”), which is completely controlled by fanatic Democrat party apparatchiks, to acknowledge 29,000-plus emails that NARA possesses in which Biden emailed about business dealings with his brother and son:

In a joint status report published by the Washington D.C. District Court on Friday, the National Archives and Records Administration reluctantly admitted that it knew of 4,243 emails between then-Vice President Joe and Hunter Biden, another 1,751 emails between Joe and Jim, 19,335 emails between Joe and Hunter’s private equity firm Rosemont Seneca, and 3,738 emails between Joe and Jim’s Chinese-communist party connected consulting firm Lion Hall Group.

Joe, Hunter, Jim, and the firms listed in the court documents are at the center of the GOP investigation into the Biden family influence-peddling operation.

Biden committed serious fraud against the American people, repeatedly lying during his campaign in an effort to get Americans to rely on those lies and vote in his favor. This is just damning. Sadly, though, thanks to the media’s and tech tyrants’ stranglehold over the free flow of information in America, large swaths of the public will not learn about Joe’s dishonesty.

I fear that America is very close to a breaking point. In 2020, we saw unprecedented dishonesty in the campaign, whether it was Biden’s blatant lies about an important issue or the myriad shenanigans surrounding the election itself (e.g., mail-in ballots, ballot harvesting, drop boxes, stopped counts, etc.). Since Biden entered the White House, we’ve seen the Cloward-Piven strategy in action, as the Democrats seek to break every American institution from the military to the economy to our sovereign border.

If you’re wondering what this will look like when it’s done, think Weimar Germany. Heck, we’ve even got the Weimar-esque fact that our institutions are riddled with violent antisemites who revel in the slaughter of Jewish babies.

If American voters don’t wake up, if they continue to sleepwalk in a haze of marijuana smoke while their brains are captured by video games and reality TV, we will self-immolate, falling with remarkable speed from the world’s preeminent nation to an impoverished Chinese vassal.

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