The real domestic terrorists are Democrats

Anyone who describes himself as a Republican knows that President Biden, Hillary Clinton, and the FBI now consider you a “domestic terrorist.”  

Did you know “domestic terrorism” is a legal term? 

18 U.S. Code §2331 — Definitions provides:

(5) the term “domestic terrorism” means activities that—

(A) involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State;

(B) appear to be intended—

(i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population;

(ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or

(iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping;

All the Nazi talk from the National Socialist Democrat party just took the “high speed” offramp with Hillary Clinton calling for the “formal deprogramming” of Trump supporters, with news that the FBI is secretly targeting Trump-supporters for domestic terrorism, and with President Biden establishing a White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention.  Who knew there is a pandemic of red hat–wearing domestic terrorists?  

What’s really going on?

You may remember when veterans of Iraq or Afghanistan wandered into a V.A. hospital and simply inquired about Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), and President Obama tried to prohibit combat veterans from owning guns and mandated that any guns owned by these vets be surrendered.  How was this supposed to happen?  The Veterans’ Affairs Administration diktat declared these veterans to be “mentally incompetent” for any PTSD-related inquiry, injury, or treatment under the concept that symptoms of PTSD would make gun ownership a higher-than-average risk for some individuals. 

Specifically, from 1968 onward, federal and state governments have enacted legislation prohibiting gun ownership by persons with mental illness who have been involuntarily committed to an institution or deemed by a legal authority to be dangerous or mentally incompetent. 

Once the V.A. declared the veteran to be “mentally incompetent,” vets couldn’t be trusted with weapons and would be stripped of their constitutional right to keep and bear arms

By the same logic, once former and current members of the Biden administration declared Republicans to be “domestic terrorists” and of unsound mind, and that “MAGA” Republicans who supported Donald Trump were essentially and legally “mentally incompetent,” and that they needed “formal deprogramming,” then these cult members couldn’t be trusted with weapons and needed to be stripped of their constitutional right to keep and bear arms

The Biden administration and all the nut-bags in the media who signed on to the “Russian collusion” hoax are declaring “MAGA extremists” and other Republicans “domestic terrorists.”  This new repetitive drumbeat is pure propaganda. 

This is why the January 6 tapes that Congressman Kevin McCarthy failed to provide when he took over the gavel as House speaker are so important.  As long as Democrats could maintain the illusion that incarcerated “MAGA Republicans” were de facto domestic terrorists and mentally incompetent extremists, that they committed the crime of attempting to influence the policy of government by intimidation or coercion on January 6, then they were free to do what they will to their opponents.  To complete the illusion, some of the “extremists” who wandered through the open doors and the halls of Congress had to be arrested and thrown in jail.

It had been going so well for congressional Democrats, and RINOs like Kevin McCarthy, because when MAGA Republicans were recently declared “domestic terrorists,” they would have to surrender their guns and be rounded up and go to a re-education camp, à la Solzhenitsyn’s Gulag Archipelago, for “formal deprogramming.” 

Re-interpret or change the law to strip your political adversaries of their rights.  Make these citizens “stateless” (or mentally incompetent to own a gun), and take their weapons under your new definitions of domestic terrorism.  That’s the Democrat idea.  Being a political adversary of the Democrat party is a mental disorder, not in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, but in the triple-vaccinated minds of the Bidenites and Clintonistas.  All that is left to do to show them who is boss is to toss the deplorable mental incompetents into a concentration camp for “formal deprogramming.” 

There is a difference between Republicans and Democrats in Washington.  Congressional Democrats ignore the laws they don’t like, creatively interpret laws or regulations or issue executive orders that punish Republicans while benefiting themselves.  They consistently attack the Constitution, especially the Second Amendment, by introducing new gun control legislation every week.  They keep introducing anfractuous legislation at the state and national level that is designed to negate the Second Amendment of the Constitution.  Their strategy of “death by a thousand cuts” has been going on for decades.  They know it is just a matter of time before they succeed because they already have a win.  A little slice of the Constitution is gone.

Carl von Clausewitz’s axiom that “politics is combat by other means” is as valid as it was when he first submitted On War for publication in the late 1800s. 

The political criminal class cannot compete against the U.S. Constitution, free elections, or an informed and armed citizenry, and therefore, these things must be destroyed by whatever means necessary. 

Yes, President Trump terrifies the real domestic terrorists in America.  The former elite Democrat, “The Donald,” asked the wrong question regarding Barack Obama’s eligibility, and they have been on him like a lab rat on amphetamines.  President Trump turned his back on the Democrats and has become a truth-teller, and since the left cannot have that, it’s been full-on war. 

Washington Democrats are industrial saboteurs of the Constitution, doing their part to destroy it.

Image: OpenClipart, public domain.

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