Nearly half of Biden voters want government to regulate speech

A new poll from the University of Virginia’s Center for Politics shows that nearly half of President Joe Biden’s supporters believe the government should clamp down on objectionable speech.

That’s right, among the polled who plan to vote for Biden in 2024, some 47% think “the government should regulate or restrict the expression of views considered discriminatory or offensive.”

Considered “discriminatory or offensive” by whom, exactly?

Sadly, the results weren’t a whole lot different for supporters of Donald Trump, 35% of whom purport to believe the government should exercise this control.

Fools, all.

Come to think of it, I find the poll and this report offensive, so I want government to regulate them.

Moreover, if every—[the government has redacted Mr. Utter’s wording from here on to the end of his post, as it was deemed offensive by some. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.]

Image: Domdomegg, via Wikimedia Commons // CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication

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