Moral clarity on Israel from Garry Kasparov

For awhile there, I was ignoring chess champion Garry Kasparov based on his constant carping about President Trump and associations with some of the worst #neverTrumps. What a shame it was. Kasparov had lost something, given his previously good work on the problems of Vladimir Putin and what goes on in Russia. He caught a bad case of Trump Derangement Syndrome and it spoiled everything.

But it looks like the old Garry is back, the one whose statements sparkle with moral clarity and brevity.

The fabulously logical chess mind he has, his old Inner Khazar of his Georgian nationality, (the Khazars were known for their love for logic and law), is back.

He made a series of tweets explaining and justifying Israel's war against Hamas with such strength and clarity against all those pro-Hamas goobers out there that I keep going back to them to savor that fine thinking when it seems that much of the civilized world has gone to pot. This is why Israel must fight the war it must fight, destroying Hamas, and that that war is just.

He rocks it with these tweets:

...and this...



He makes his adversaries look like fools. I might just start following him again.

Image: Twitter screen shot

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