Londonistan is no longer a British city -- an illustrated essay

In 2006, Melanie Phillips published Londonisan: How Britain Is Creating A Terror State Within. Naturally, the book was immediately attacked as the anti-Muslim cognate to Mein Kampf. However, pointing out that London was becoming the European home for people who openly insist on world domination, complete with exterminating Jews and forcibly converting everyone else, is reporting, not maligning. Please remember that there’s a difference between taking an absence of evidence to make the case that Jews control the world (classic delusional antisemitism) and pointing to the Islamists’ loudly voiced promises about violent jihad.

I thought of Phillips’s book today (and, by the way, it’s still well worth reading) because of what happened in London: Namely, what may be the largest pro-genocide march in the history of the world since the Nuremberg rallies. I’m not saying that people can’t march in a free country. Instead, I want people to note the size of the march along with its explicitly expressed call for the destruction of the Jewish people (along with everyone else Muslims dislike):

Naturally, the march included the usual useful idiots who ally themselves with the people who openly call for their deaths:

Or, in simple terms, this meme explains what that means:

To his credit, in New York Mayor Eric Adams, full-throatedly opposed Jewish genocide:

Meanwhile, London’s Muslim Mayor Sadiq Khan didn’t have the same message:

By the way, it’s not just that Khan is Muslim that’s a problem. After all, London’s prior mayor, the openly antisemitic “Red” Ken Livingstone, would have agreed. The problem, therefore, is a population that now embraces the exact ideas that animated Hitler and the Nazis.

Once, London stood for civilization. In the 18th and 19th centuries, England, as it embraced colonialism (which had been the world’s norm since at least the Bronze Age), didn’t just intend to exploit the undeveloped world’s resources. In addition, the Brits actually believed they were bringing to those same countries the rule of law, Biblical morals, and the idea of a pluralist society in which people could live in some sort of harmony.

What’s really happened is that England totally failed to export its values. Instead, helped by 20th-century socialism and its drive to destroy the free world, those same countries have brought to England the barbaric values of a sixth-century Arab warlord.

Image: Muslim London. X screen grab.

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