Joe wants another $100 billion

Joe Biden is asking for another $100 billion; from Associated Press:

President Joe Biden declared it is ‘vital for America’s national security’ for Israel and Ukraine to succeed in their wars, making the case Thursday night for deepening U.S. involvement in a rare Oval Office address as he prepared to ask for billions of dollars in military assistance for both countries.

He said he would send an urgent funding request to Congress, which is expected to be roughly $100 billion over the next year. The proposal, which will be unveiled on Friday, includes money for Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan, humanitarian aid and border management.

Yet, his energy policies have given Iran and Russia, the enemies of Israel and Ukraine, much more than $100 billion.

Biden has sent the message to the world that climate change is the biggest problem; not Russia, China, Iran, or open borders. The overriding goal of all of his departments is to destroy companies that use natural resources to provide reasonably priced energy and funnel billions and trillions to green pushers.

They do this under the pretense that they can control the climate yet not once have they shown any direct relationship between consumption of crude oil, natural gas, and coal because there is none.

The policies have allowed traders and countries like Russia and Iran to substantially raise their oil prices to fund terrorism and wars.

The policies also greatly harm all consumers, but especially the poor and middle classes about whom the Democrats claim to care.

Energy prices affect everything we use, so it is a major contributing factor in pushing the inflation rate up in the U.S. and around the world. When inflation goes up, people ask for bigger raises, which only compounds the problem.

Crude oil is also used in over 6,000 products. I have not seen a list from Democrats on what they are going to replace all those products with if they eradicate the use of crude oil. We would get our clock cleaned in wars with China, Russia, and Iran if we tried to fight them with battery-operated planes and tanks.

Here is the result of Biden’s war on crude oil. On the trading market in November 2020, the day he “won” the presidency, the price was around $40 per barrel; today it is $90, or up 125%. Raising interest rates will not solve cost-push inflation if energy prices continue to skyrocket. What you get is dangerous stagflation.

As for confiscating more and more money from the public for the government, I would ask: Where has that solved the problem?

When college prices skyrocketed, did it solve the problem to throw more guaranteed student loans and grants at the colleges? Did it make colleges more affordable, or did it compound the problem?

When health care costs rose, did it solve the problem by having the government pass Obamacare? Or did it compound the problem with skyrocketing costs?

When daycare costs rise, does it solve the problem by throwing more government aid at it?

Will the problem at the border be solved with more money, or will the problem compound until the Biden administration reverses course and starts doing its job to enforce the borders? Letting all these people in also causes more inflation because they use so many resources.

And the war in Ukraine and terrorism in the Middle East will not be resolved by throwing money at it until we stop with the radical energy policies. We have to starve Russia and Iran instead of feeding them with high crude oil prices.

We must cut off the heads of the beasts!

And most of the media pretends that Biden’s foreign policies are great, and that he gave a good speech on the matter, and Trump, who kept the world relatively peaceful and negotiated the Abraham Accords, is the real problem and danger to world security.

Image: Free image, Pixabay license, no attribution required.

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