Joe Biden's don'ts

In his vague warning to Hezb’allah in Lebanon -- really Iran -- against widening the Israel-Gaza War, Joe Biden warned Arab aggressors from widening their war against Israel by saying, Don’t, Don’t, Don’t in his trademark partial whisper.  He really reveals his own series of his own “Don’t, Don’t, Don’ts’”:

Don’t -- impulsively, foolishly, and prematurely abandon Afghanistan for symbolic political purposes, when your own military advisors and NATO allies astutely recommended that you leave three thousand troops to assure easier surveillance of Iran and China’s nuclear sites, and to prevent inevitable resurgence of Al Qaeda, ISIS, and other terrorist haters of America in Afghanistan.

Don’t -- Look frequently at your watch while watching unloaded coffins of the dead troops who died during the chaos at Karsi airport that your flawed decision caused.

Don’t -- Always bring up your unresolved grief about your son Beau in efforts to comfort grieving military families. Beau did serve, as you did not, but not in Afghanistan.

Don’t -- Abruptly undermine and attack American oil and gas independence, the bedrock of American prosperity and energy independence.

Don’t -- Fawn over the Green New Deal for political gain while neglecting problems related a gradual transition for less use of fossil fuels.

Don’t – Okay the Nordstream pipeline that undermined our European allies and helped Putin.

Don’t -- Coyly hint that a small incursion by Putin into Ukraine might not bring immediate action by America. Putin listens to such carefully.

Don’t – Timidly predict sanctions on Putin if he chose to invade Ukraine instead of starting heavy sanctions on Russia and giving massive amount of lethal military aid to Ukraine preemptively.

Don’t -- Allow America to give twice as much financial support to Ukraine as other NATO countries and yet too little, too late for weapons that could have assured a decisive victory of Ukraine over Putin.

Don’t -- Boast about how well you know and how many hours you have spent with President Xi of China yet not call him out decisively and publicly about his violation of human rights towards and cruel treatment of the Uighurs.

Don’t -- Talk tough about China’s ambitions concerning Taiwan and the South China Sea but submit puny defense budgets that allow our Navy to fall behind China’s.

Don’t -- Boast about your affection, nurturing, and frequent contacts with your grandchildren but neglect to even mention and include your grandchild Navy from your prodigal son Hunter’s promiscuous sexual behavior until your denial was too obvious to ignore.

Don’t -- Call your son Hunter “the smartest man you know” when his drug abuse, carelessness with a gun, incestuous sexual behavior, and suspected corrupt financial foreign dealings that even might involve yourself seriously refute this.

Don’t -- Boast about your getting a full scholarship and being at the top of your class at Syracuse law school when such was not true.

Don’t -- Label Republicans MAGA glibly, don’t whisper at the country in your speeches and avoid saying, “That’s not hyperbole”, or “That’s not a joke…” we can discern that for ourselves.

Image: Gage Skidmore

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