It’s not the end of anything

Why is there such consternation and surprise at the House’s first-time ouster of former Speaker Kevin McCarthy? Please recall, McCarthy didn’t obtain the position until the fifteenth vote! And the victory came with a pyrrhic yoke around McCarthy’s neck—the specter of a single Representative capable of starting an impeachment process against him. Which is exactly what just happened.

Was this legacy McCarthy’s quest for a better America and a nod to dedication? Or was it his obsession and ego that allowed him to ultimately garner (and lose) the Speakership by humiliation?

The entire episode is unseemly. Matt Gaetz, instigator of McCarthy’s ouster, is under an ethics investigation for sexual relations with a minor. McCarthy, apparently, allowed the investigation of Gaetz to proceed. Revenge? Perhaps. But, Gaetz sullied himself by aligning with the despicable Democrats’ “Squad” and other miscreants of the Democrat party in his push to throw out McCarthy.  

But—and, there is a huge but here. Petty, perhaps. Playing the short game? Perhaps. But, who isn’t jubilating that Pelosi is being forced out of her digs?  Not anyone who remembers their fury at watching Pelosi standing in the chamber, maliciously ripping up then-President Trump’s State of the Union speech? Or Pelosi’s tone-deaf exhibition of explaining the joys of super expensive ice cream stored in her excessively expensive freezer? “Off with their heads” was never re-enacted more authentically.

Conservatives are fed up with the Republicans “going along to get along.” They want action. Action on dealing with the porous border and stopping the arrogant interlopers with a chip on their respective shoulders, some with their home country’s flag in their hand as they illegally sashay into our space and accept American largesse of “free” stuff: food, clothing, healthcare, and shelter.

One can only hope that better things are coming from a new Speaker of the House.

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