How does the uniparty feel about a Speaker Jim Jordan?

Congressman Gaetz called for a motion to vacate the chair, and he succeeded in removing Kevin McCarthy from the position of speaker of the House.

While I may not entirely agree with the methods employed, I do believe that someone who ascends to the position of speaker of the House should be the ultimate politician.  He should make deals, and keep them, that benefit the country and the party, or he risks being removed.  That has always been the case.

Personally, I was a bit skeptical of Speaker McCarthy when he misled about multiple votes during the vote for speaker.  He claimed he had it in the bag several times when in fact he did not.  I am not saying he did not have some success; he obviously did.  I am only pointing out that he misled several times on the vote in January.

As far as the current situation to select a speaker, I also am okay with taking time to get it right, and not cutting a deal with Democrats just to speed things up.

What I find the most amusing is that this situation really seems to be uncovering the uniparty members, and it seem to be causing certain heads to explode.

Overlay the Ukraine situation, sending over $100 billion with no oversight, along with the situation around Speaker Select Jordan, and you will see some of the names agitating for two significant items: spending unlimited money that we are probably borrowing in whole or in part from China, and unofficial talks with Democrats about a bipartisan speaker situation.

I believe that some of the people agitating for both of these items might be displaying their uniparty allegiance.

Unlike some Republicans, I do not wish to name names.  I did not want to believe in the uniparty, but I now believe.  And I believe that if you look at the members of Congress who say we can't ask questions about aid to Ukraine, and want to make a deal with Democrats for the speaker position, you will start to see the uniparty affiliates showing their true colors.

As a conservative American, I only urge the House Republicans to get it right and at the same time don't make a deal with the Democrats.  The Democrats/socialists hate freedom-loving conservatives, and they can't be trusted in such a deal.  The socialists have shown that the raw power flexing is all they care about.

I ask you to consider one item about Congressman Jordan: Democrats are scared of his elevation.  Elect Congressman Jordan as speaker of the House, and Democrat heads will start exploding.  For that reason alone, I think Republicans should put all doubts aside and make it official this week.  Rank-and-file conservatives should take note of the actions of their representatives, including if they are willing to try to cut a deal with Democrats, and send them a firm message about conservative values.  We have to root out the members who are not looking out for the American people before our constitutional republic slides any further into socialism.

Maker S. Mark (a pseudonym) is a patriot who can understand and explain advanced math and science and is worried about the state of the nation and how to solve the problems we face.  United we stand, divided we fall.

Image: Jim Jordan.  Credit: Gage Skidmore via Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0.

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