There are lots of peels to step on in banana republics

Are some Democrats wondering if their obsession with Trump is backfiring?  The polls have not changed, despite emptying the whole house and throwing everything at Trump.  It's 44-44% at the RCP average and been stuck at that for some time.

According to Professor Victor Davis Hanson, Democrats are thinking that their tactics may boomerang on them.  This is a partial list of what he wrote:

Will the next president have the FBI pay social media censors to suppress the dissemination of any news it feels is unhelpful to the reelection of a Republican president?

Is it OK now for the next Vice President to invite his son onto Air Force Two to cement multimillion dollars deals that benefit both, with Chinese, Russian, and Ukrainian oligarchs who enjoy government ties?

Should a conservative billionaire stealthily insert $419 million late in the 2024 campaign to absorb the work of registrars in key voting precincts?

If a Democratic president wins the 2024 election should conservative groups riot at the Capitol on Inauguration Day? Should a conservative celebrity yell out to the assembled crowd of protestors that she dreams of blowing up the White House? And if a Republican wins, should he prosecute any Democratic rioters who once again swarm Washington on Inauguration Day and charge them with “insurrection,” meting out long prisons sentences to the convicted?

And there is more.  By the way, I really like that one about a billionaire stealthily inserting $419 million late in the 2024 campaign.  

It's called the politics of partisan vengeance or I kill you and you kill me.  You throw the FBI at my guy I will do the same to your guy.  I don't like it, but they started this mess.  Trump Derangement Syndrome took them to a place where we've never been before.  Their hatred of Trump drove them to this lunacy.

Over the years, the U.S. had avoided crossing that line or walking on that banana republic floor full of peels and unintended consequences.  Our ancestors understood that no one would win, especially the ones who started the whole thing.  The Democrats are now fearing they will soon step on one of those banana peels that their banana republic tactics have created.

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