The way of the Democrat

Karate is actually a truncated word.  In full, it is karate-do.  "Adding the suffix '-do' ('karate-do'), meaning 'way, implies karate as a total way of life that goes well beyond the self-defense applications." 

The "-do" suffix appears in other words — e.g., bushido (Japanese: "Way of the Warrior"), aikido ("way of harmonizing energy").  "-do" is a way of life. 

There is a "Democrat-do."  The "Way of the Democrat" is dishonesty. 

There is no better example than the recent one provided by the Democrat governor of New Mexico, Michelle Lujan Grisham.  For good reasons, many have focused on the 2A implications.  However, a much more fundamental matter and a general principle are involved. 

In declaring a suspension of the right to carry a firearm in Albuquerque, she stated

No constitutional right, in my view, including my oath, is intended to be absolute. 

The governor's interesting interpretation of "oath" is consistent with other prominent Democrats — e.g., John Brennan and James Clapper, both of whom have been credibly accused of lying under oath. 

It would appear as if the "truth, whole truth and nothing but the truth" thing is nothing to Democrats. 

Poseur Joe Biden's Number One Son, Hunter, lies like a rug on many issues, as does his mentally defective father (citations too numerous to list, and JRB's history of lying antedates his current cognitive challenges). 

Democrat child-manglers lie about surgeries that affirm what is unaffirmable

As a bottom line, does gender-affirming surgery solidify the fluidity and decide/settle the gender identity matter? 

It does not, and it cannot, as gender remains fluid.  Examples are found in the post–gender-affirming surgery persons who have patient's remorse.

There is a silver lining in this dark cloud of Democrat deception.  The two best types of people with whom to deal are those who always tell the truth and those who always lie.  You always know from where each is coming. 

We know which type is the Democrat. 

Act accordingly. 

Image: Picryl.

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