Next up for New York: Migrant taxes?

Not too long ago, New Yorks Mayor Eric Adams decried that unchecked migration and its associated costs would "destroy New York City." Services across the board would be cut 5% to start, and with Adams not seeing "a way out" the migrants would just keep coming.

But that's not the way these things work. New York isn't going to get destroyed.

Only its citizens are.

According to the New York Post:

Socialist state lawmakers are itching to impose new tax increases to cover the ever-increasing cost of migrants in the Big Apple — insisting that forcing New Yorkers to pay even more is the only way out of the mushrooming crisis.

Two state senators told The Post new taxes were on the table, while their grassroots cadres have buzzed on social media.

“We should increase taxes because it’s economically just policy to offset all costs for our state to function,” said state Sen. Julia Salazar (D-Brooklyn).

“I’d say that even if our city and state hadn’t seen an increase in migrants seeking asylum, this moment makes it all the more important for the wealthy to pay their fair share of taxes.”

New taxes to pay for migrants? And no end to the migrants, so more and more new taxes? Who thinks "the rich," who have already been socked multiple times, and have been moving out of the state in droves, are the only ones who will be affected?

What's more, what do the New Yorkers get for their new taxes to pay for migrants? In the past, taxes were hiked to pay for more roads and bridges, more jails, or more subway lines. These taxes will go to pay for more migrants, which will attract more as more get serviced, and the crime and social disorder they bring with them.

Sound like a good use for New Yorkers' hard earned and already very taxed money? 

They already are getting reactions like this.

And make no mistake, the migrants are coming harder:



No wonder New York is one of the top states for flight outward, to tax and order friendly places such as Ron DeSantis's Florida and Greg Abbott's Texas.

Expect more of this outflow -- and more political power and congressional seats to follow. When socialist bureaucrats have a choice between saving their city for the citizens and saving themselves with taxes, we all know what they will choose.

Image: Screen shot from Fox News video, via YouTube

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