It's the goofy left, stupid

What about this?  The man who gave us "it's the economy, stupid" is now back with another gem. This is James Carville with Bill Maher:

Carville said he found them "annoying and silly" after Maher mocked the notion of "pregnant men."

"Most people don't even know what they're talking about," Carville said. "The identity left are silly. They're not evil, they're just goofy."

The Democratic strategist argued that White leftists had hijacked the term "woke" and driven voters away from the party. 

"What happened is, overeducated, coastal White people, got ahold of the word and [like] they do with everything else, they completely f---ed it up and p----- everybody in the country off," he said bluntly. "If we could just get the humanities faculty at Amherst [College] to shut the f--- up, we'd be a lot better off."

While only 10% of the party actually identified as progressive, he argued, they dragged the entire party down.     

"The number of MAGA people is 65%. We pay a greater price for 10% of our party, than they pay for 65% of their party," Carville complained.

After Maher brought up how Trump was drawing more support from minorities, Carville said this was because there was an attitude of elitism in the Democratic Party that turned off voters.

"There is a certain coastal arrogance in this country, and people feel it," he said. "You got all these preachy people telling you what you should do."

Overeducated coastal white people who need to shut the (expletive deleted) up? Preachy people telling you what you should do?   

Carville is right but he left a few people from his list.  What about the Black Democrats who make everything about race?  Or the immigration activists who think that borders are racist too?  Or what about the climate change activists who want to triple our electricity rates to have something to talk about in Davos? A lot of people on Carville's side are turning off a lot of people.

Of course, I wonder how much influence Carville and Maher have anyway.  We like some of the things that they say but did anyone at CNN or MSNBC mention their comments?  My point is that we should not expect a lot of the "overeducated coastals" to hear or meditate over Carville's message.

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Image: Chris Gampat

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