Book review: Stephen King's latest is a grotesque political polemic

Stephen King just published his most recent horror novel, Holly.  Disappointing does not begin to describe it.  Do not purchase Stephen King's Holly if your goal is to be entertained.  This book is a poisonous political diatribe from beginning to end.  

King, America's premier storyteller of the past 50 years, has never hidden his left-wing political bias.  But before the mess that is Holly, King kept himself in check, never making politics central to his story nor demonizing those who do not share his ideology by using fact patterns unmoored from any sort of reality.

With Holly, King has jumped the shark.  His book is a post-modernist fever dream.  It reads as if it was written using the combined efforts of Joy Reid, Chris Hayes, and Rachel Maddow during a three-day cocaine-fueled bender.

For instance, according to King, COVID nursing home deaths were all because an orderly refused to get an mRNA "vaccine" because it was developed using cells from aborted fetuses.  The Democrat governors who committed murder on an industrial scale by forcing COVID patients into nursing homes go without the least mention.

Image: Stephen King.  YouTube screen grab (edited).

Trump is painted throughout the book as evil and boorish, as are all who support him.  Moreover, it is Trump-supporters who almost uniformly refuse to get vaccinated.  Holly, who we are told rejoiced at the outcome of the 2020 election and who cried on January 6, greets almost everyone she meets by telling them her mRNA vaccination and booster status.

No one who gets ill from COVID has had the vaccine in King's world.  And indeed, King wallows in sickening schadenfreude over those who refused the vaccine only to die from COVID. 

The villains in Holly are predictable.  The antagonists are a husband and wife who are racist, anti-vax, old, and white.  The protagonists of the book are equally predictable.  They are all women, minorities, homosexuals, or some combination of the three.  

Lastly, King's treatment of Christians is beyond scurrilous.  He writes in Holly of a vegan black lesbian who is victimized by her Christian family on religious grounds for not eating meat.  This "sin," King claims, is so dishonorable that several members of the family's Church gang-rape the black lesbian.  When the black lesbian aborts the resultant baby, her family disowns her completely.

This book is stomach-churning garbage from start to finish.  Since King's novel Carrie in 1974, I have purchased and read every novel King has written.  I will never purchase another. 

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