The COVID mask holdouts

My son came back from shopping today a little stunned, as though he had seen a ghost.  He was shocked to see a person in the grocery store still wearing a COVID mask.  He immediately leapt to an analogy that has kept me laughing all day.

Long after World War II ended, Japanese soldiers remained hidden in the jungles and caves of the Pacific islands, either unaware or unwilling to accept that Japan had surrendered.  It had been drilled into them that not only would surrender disgrace themselves, and that they would never be welcomed back home, but further, it would disgrace their families to the tenth generation.  The last known of these holdouts, Teruo Nakamura, surrendered in 1975, but knowing the breadth of the territory Japan had occupied and fought on, the inaccessibility of the jungles, mountains, and caves, it is safe to assume many more never came out and died unknown in hiding...or who knows?  A couple could still be alive in hiding.

Such are the COVID holdouts.  Most of us knew that the masking and isolation were all nonsense.  Even though they'll never admit it, our friends on the left know the truth also and quietly threw away their masks.  But to many, the mask was more than a health thing.  It was a political statement, and that statement was "I am not one of those MAGA creeps."  For them, like the Japanese living in jungles 10, 20, and even 30 years after the war had ended, they can never surrender.  Their entire identity is tied up in that mask.

Dateline: Alexandria, August 22, 2053.  The last known hold of the "covid war" threw in the towel today, removing her mask. Unfortunately, the skin on her face and lips have been permanently discolored from the years in the mask. As time went on it became harder and harder to get new mask [sic] and she would up wearing her last mask for over five years and it had grown into her face requiring surgery to remove.

Image: PxFuel.

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